I use monit V5.25.3 with a poll interval of 30 seconds.

Monit is used for 50 services including the apache server. The apache server can be activated or inactive. When the apache server is inactive, after (configuration change) and commands: monit reload and monit start all monit is busy for 24-25 seconds(see the listing below) with apache.

All services that are processed after this have the status "start pending" and after 30 seconds remain in the previous state.

Is there a way to prevent this blockage or is this an error in the monitor?

Sep 24 08:27:33 falcon root: Starting OpenVPN (if configured)
Sep 24 08:27:33 falcon monit[9435]: pidfile '/var/run/apache2/apache2.pid' does not exist
Sep 24 08:27:33 falcon monit[9435]: pidfile '/var/run/apache2/apache2.pid' does not exist
Sep 24 08:27:57 falcon monit[9435]: pidfile '/var/run/apache2/apache2.pid' does not exist
Sep 24 08:27:57 falcon monit[9435]: 'webdav' test skipped as required service 'webdav_config' is not monitored
Sep 24 08:27:57 falcon monit[9435]: Reinitializing Monit -- control file '/etc/monitrc'
Gerald Schneider
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