Questions tagged [mirror]

136 questions
2 answers

Why are CentOS RAID-1/mirror partitions syncing multiple times?

I'm setting up a CentOS 5.6 server, using Kickstart. I have four disk drives, sda-sdd. These are the relevant Kickstart lines: clearpart --linux --drives=sda,sdb,sdc,sdd --initlabel part raid.11 --size 102400 --asprimary --ondrive=sda part raid.21…
Rick Koshi
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1 answer

System can't see ServerRAID M1015 virtual drive?

We connected the card to our system and have created a new mirror RAID 1 virtual drive, Now we want to clone our existing single drive to this new virtual drive, but our cloning software Acronis True Image Server doesn't see it. We also don't see…
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windows 7 Mirror Failed Redundancy

I've been trying to setup software Mirror RAID using the Windows 7 Disk Manager. However I'm getting the "Failed Redundancy" error no matter what I do. I think the exclamation icon is appearing on the drive I'm using as the mirror. The second disk…
1 answer

Raid 1 Mirror - weird data loss for 1 month

I have been running windows software RAID 1 (mirror) on Windows 2008 R2 for a while and recently I experienced something very odd, hope someone can help explaining and share your view. Yesterday (Mar 14) my Windows 2008 R2 server just crashed and…
1 answer

Miroring usb drives (master/slave, booting linux from them)

I have a small server that boots from a usb drive and i would like to protect myself from the drive dying. I can't add another hard drive. My question is: can i add one or two usb sticks of the same size and mirror the first one, so i can just…
vlad b.
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recovering from a crash. data stored on a 3ware 9650SE-LP mirrored set

So I'm hoping this will be very easy because my drive that failed is not part of my mirrored set. I had my OS drive go bad but my data drive ( my 2TB mirrored set ) is still ok. I just can't access it. I'm going to rebuild my OS ( switching from…
Digital ink
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2 answers

Hardware issue: UI freezes and hard drive light goes solid several times per hour

I have a workstation that has been acting up for the last few weeks. It currently has Windows Server 2008 R2 installed on it, and 2 HDD mirrored. A few times per hour the screen will freeze up, applications will say "not responding", sometimes the…
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Nginx mirroring without "main" proxy_pass

I have a case where I would like nginx to proxy_pass queries to a backend and mirror it to one or more site. That is quite straight forward with a config like server { server_name mydomain.tld; listen 80; location…
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nginx mirror traffic and process with lua script

I want to proxy requests to the backend_old server and process them with lua script. My nginx config: upstream backend_old { server; } server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server; …
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debmirror not sync dist-upgrader-all correctly

We have mirrored the Ubuntu bionic from with debmirror tool in Centos 7 and we can upgrade servers with this local mirror without any issues,but when we were trying to do-release upgrade server we got error like below files are…
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1 answer

Timeout on OpenLogic repository

I'm trying to use the OpenLogic repository on CentOS as describe here: [openlogic] name=CentOS-$releasever - openlogic packages for…
Eduardo Baitello
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2 answers

Configure RAID 1 on ThinkServer TS140

I am setting up a server for a business, and one of the specifications that they have set is a RAID 1 configuration for the two drives in the machine (the OS will be installed on this mirror). One of the mirrored drives will be in a hot swap bay,…
Caturday Saint
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2 answers

MS SQL Server 2 identical databases on different servers replication or mirroring to each other possible?

Hi: I have one free version of SQL Server 2012 express database running on Amazon AWS with 1 CPU and only 1 GB Ram . As you can see the CPU and RAM power are barely enough for my PHP scripts running on a separate AWS desktop machine to pump data…
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1 answer

How do I set up a geographic mirror site for LAMP?

I have a server that's running on the standard LAMP stack. I have web services that read a MySQL database to control access to certain content. If the content is allowed to be accessed then it is delivered to the user. Recently I have been asked…
2 answers

How do you install mercurial when is down?

I'm trying to install mercurial (the DVCS) but unfortunately is down. Does anybody know of any mirrors I could grab the source from, allowing me to install it. Hopefully the site doesn't stay down long, but doing some…
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