Questions tagged [mirror]

136 questions
1 answer

Subversion mirror has issues. Possible to back out most recent revisions on the mirror and then resync?

It appears some fat-fingering of Subversion configuration may have lead to a Subversion mirror being corrupted. Details: We have a set of Subversion repositories hosted on a master server and then mirrored to two off-site servers using snvsync. …
K. Kelley
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How to reacreate the EFI partiton and mirror and existing system partition of an GPT disk?

I have the following setup (very well possible that this is no good practice but it is the given situation): There were 2 x 3TB dynamic GPT disks in a Windows server, Disk0 with EFI (~200 MB), System reserved (~100MB) and C (200GB) and the rest…
Jey DWork
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1 answer

lftp mirror leaves empty folders on remote

My script is set up with this for lftp lftp -p 2218 -u $login,$pass sftp://$host << EOF set mirror:use-pget-n 5 mirror -c -P5 --depth-first --Remove-source-files --log=/home/dog/downloadsync.log $remote_dir $local_dir And it works…
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How to fix geometry of two identical disks?

I have two identical HDD. First has geometry 3876021/16/63 and second has geometry 3876018/16/63. First disk's capacity is 50% already. I want to add second disk to mirror (first disk is master). How to fix geometry in second disk? And why geometry…
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Ubuntu Preseed not using local mirror

I have a full ubuntu mirror located on the server In my preseed.cfg file, I have the following d-i config for selecting my country mirror: d-i mirror/country string manual d-i mirror/http/hostname string…
Ian Wilson
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Mirror directory, only purging files in destination directory older than 7 days

I would like to mirror a directory, but only delete files in the destination directory older than 7 days. Situation: - Directory A is mirrored to Directory B. - A file from Directory A is deleted I would like for that file to remain in Directory B…
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2 answers

Is there an async FUSE filesystem for replication?

I have a low-power VIA x86 PC with one SATA port. I want to backup special files (ie: /var) from the SATA drive on this port onto a USB flash disk, but I don't want a RAID1 or fully-synchronous solution for performance reasons. It is acceptable that…
1 answer

OS X: setting display resolution and mirroring

How do I have a projector machine always mirror at 1024x768? By default new users get 1920x1200 and non-mirrored.
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questions on replacing failing disk on solaris 10

I have replaced failed drives on Solaris 10 that are mirrored with SVM before. I am wondering if I have been doing it incorrectly... or taking a huge risk. I follow the usual metadetach, metaclear, metadb -d, and cfgadm -c unconfigure steps. My…
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2 answers

Mirroring live system - what are the options

What are my options to mirror a running system (without taking it down) to have an as close as possible copy for use as a XEN guest? Now I'm planning to install the same version of OS as domU and simply rsync everything down to it from the live…
Karolis T.
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3 answers

Mirroring an Apache server

I have a few named vhosts on my apache2 debian server and I want to have a mirror server that can pickup as soon as the first server goes down. We can assume I have total control over both servers and /www data on both servers is regularly and…
Wadih M.
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2 answers

Can one SSD replace a pair of mirrored drives?

I have various firewall/router/utility type boxes that do not require much if any storage for their primary purpose other than booting. But I do like to be able to put a more or less standard CentOS/RHEL install on them which takes a few gig. So I…
Tracy Reed
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4 answers

Windows Updates mirror for ISPs

I work in a ISP where bandwidth is limited. We want to provide our customers a mirror for windows updates, so we can save bandwidth and provide to our customers a faster connection. How can we achieve this?
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3 answers

FTP an entire folder via the command line

I'm looking so migrate some websites to a new server. I have SSH access to the current one but only FTP access to the new one. How can I via Centos and SSH copy entire folders to the new server via FTP? I can log into the new server via the built in…
Chris Southam
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3 answers

Multiple web servers serving same static content

I created a sub-domain for static content to be able to serve it more efficiently by several load-balanced web servers. This static content is updated automatically, at a rate of ~1k files/day. Right now I use rsync to update the servers in a…
Steve Schnepp
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