Is there a best practice or general rule of thumb when setting the memory limit for memcached?

I'm currently running memcached with the default memory limit of 64 megabytes. The server has 8 gigabytes of memory installed out of which only around 512 megabytes of memory are available.

Thank you.

1 Answers1


8g and .5 available sounds fishy. If nothing else significant is running then you should be able to run at 6-7G pretty easily. I suspect you are looking at 'free' memory which doesn't account for linux disk caching and such.

Jason Martin
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  • Thanks. I found that MySQL was using 7GB unnecessarily. I reduced memory used by MySQL to 3GB, and I doubled memcache memory usage from 64MB to 128MB. – Leo Galleguillos Mar 24 '16 at 16:43