Questions tagged [maven]

Maven is a build tool primarily for compiling, building, testing, and deploying Java artifacts and managing their dependencies.

64 questions
2 answers

Running two services on port 80

I need to run Apache and Maven on my server, and because of cross-domain security restrictions they must both be running on port 80. Originally I achieved this using HAProxy, but this got in the way of the other websites I host on my VPS. I do…
Theron Luhn
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2 answers

Why does Sonatype Nexus seem to be taking up a ton of memory and CPU time?

Running nexus on Amazon Linux on my SC2 instance. Clean install, then I built a small project against it. Not being used by anyone but me. When I first start Nexus, CPU utilization starts out at 97% and memory usage at 20%. After a few minutes,…
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1 answer

maven + cruisecontrol - slow builds

I am running cruisecontrol with maven to build a Scala-project. When I run mvn package outside cruisecontrol,the build takes less than 10 seconds, but when I invoke the build from cruisecontrol, the compilation-phase takes about 300 seconds. I am…
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Installation/Configuration of Apache GUI web interface

I have a stand alone Windows Server 2019 on an AD network. I have been tasked with some configuration of this server that I will develop php web things on in the future. I currently have server admin access to the server, but that will eventually be…
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How to build maven project from another folder in azure devops pipeline?

In github actions, we can set this using - name: Build with Maven working-directory: ./VaultService run: mvn clean package --file pom.xml env: CI: false But there is no working-directory option in azure devops. Even I tried below one, but…
Sara June
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How to install custom version of maven in azure devops pipleine?

I have installed adopt openjdk 16 using the task below. steps: - script: echo Hello, world! displayName: 'Run a one-line script' - script: | wget…
Sara June
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1 answer

Download file from Artifact Registry (Maven)

I have been playing with REST API for Artifact Registry. I can find the URL for .zip files I would like to download, but I only get JSON responses. Is it possible to download individual artifact files from the Artifact Registry with Maven…
Henrik Ormåsen
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1 answer

Azure DevOps: Maven is not installed on agent

I have an Azure Pipeline that is meant to install Java 16 and the run Maven package on my repository. The pipeline looks like this: trigger: - master pool: vmImage: ubuntu-latest steps: - task: JavaToolInstaller@0 inputs: versionSpec:…
0 answers

Nexus mirror (with maven) does not work

Im using Nexus as mirror for maven central and want to add other repositories. If I add this like this papermc
Kokos Bot
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Apache Syncope Depends on Maven? What is maven for in this context?

fwiw: I did not come into this looking for another CI/CD tool. I came into this looking for an IAM tool (and I found Syncope). When Syncope install documentation called for Maven that's when the confusion arose. If Maven would add value to my…
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1 answer

Maven local repo in a common global directory for multiple parallel execution

I have a machine in which multiple parallel maven execution happen. Each execution executes the below command in a separate workspace directory mvn -f main/pom.xml clean package -DskipTests -T 6 Can someone let me know should I use a separate maven…
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1 answer

Change WebApp ROOT application in tomcat 8 (No WAR file)

I am trying to change the ROOT application for another one that I installed using Maven but I do not achieve it, the application also uses apache solr. Is there any way to place both at root level? And if I would have to recompile it, what would the…
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How to keep Ubuntu systemctl process alive after disconnecting from shell?

I'm new to Ubuntu, and I want to run a (java maven) command which starts a web server embedded with my web application, on a remote Ubuntu server. I can run it with following bash command (typed directly to remote console): #!/bin/bash cd…
1 answer

Does Sonatype Open Source Nexus supports Maven 3?

We are thinking about to build up a Sonatype Nexus OOS server. In all documentation, it is mentioned that it supports maven 2, but its never mentioned if it's support Maven 3. Can somebody give me a hint?
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How to manage publishing maven settings.xml with artifact repository, mirror and proxy details to CI servers?

Is there an automated process I can rely on, as an organisation's artifact repository / proxy manager, to publish configuration updates to dependent continous integration servers and developers? For instance, if for some reason, I have to create or…
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