Questions tagged [malware]

Malware is any software application which subverts the will of the legitimate owner of a computer, by means of force or subterfuge, with or without personal or monetary gain on the part of the creator.

"Malware" is a portmanteau of "malicious" and "software"

Common forms of malware include:

  • Botnet clients, which grant the malware author some degree of control over the compromised operating system and are generally employed in sending spam e-mail and may be rented out to perform DDoS attacks.
  • Data exfiltrators, which collect and transmit data about the computer they reside on back to the creator. These are commonly used to target login and account details for financial, social networking, and gaming websites.
  • Rogue Utility Applications, which attempt to use scare tactics in order to entice the computer's user to purchase the "full version" of the Rogue Utility.
  • Adware, which causes advertisements to appear on the user's desktop, in webpages, or elsewhere.
  • Rootkits, which attempt to conceal the presence of both the root kit and (usually) an accompanying piece of malware from another category from standard system tools and diagnostic utilities.
324 questions
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How to scan uploaded file for virus on linux?

Just like the title, is there any antivirus that i can run from command prompt on linux to make sure user uploaded files are virus free? Thank you!
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ClamAV and MalDet - Are these quarantined or infected?

Learning about hardening my VPS, I installed ClamAV and MalDet, using both for a few months. Tonight, I decided that, instead of just checking home I'd check the entire VPS other than "/sys". This was the…
1 answer

Will preventing POST requests stop the spread of a remote access trojan?

I like the acronym RAT (remote access trojan), because it resembles another type of thing you need to get rid of from your kitchen, and because when you get rid of one and find the hole it made and fix the hole and set traps and invest your time…
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5 answers

Conficker: Should steps taken in group policy to secure against virus remain?

We got nailed two weeks ago by Conficker, I ran through the 26 step checklist from Mircrosoft on my own computer, as well as on our domain server. It says near the end to reverse all the changes, but I kinda like the changes (Disables Autorun and…
Peter Turner
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1 answer

Slowloris on Apache: is mod_reqtimeout + mod_qos enough?

I detected few days ago that my server was under slowloris attack (I found a lot of "-" 408 0 "-" "-" values in my access.log). I changed my configuration like this: In mod_reqtimeout: RequestReadTimeout header=5-20,minrate=20 I installed mod_qos…
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2 answers

Possible malware on my server, how to search the source?

Some users of one of our blogs have detected that when loading the page under Windows with antivirus such as Avast or NOD32 a message appears. The message is something like "The remote address has been blocked. URL:…
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3 answers

Debian webserver malware scanner

I was wondering if there was a malware scanner for websites with up to date exploits for use on a Debian webs server with Apache2.2? Vulnerability scanners are great, but I also want to be sure that undetected hacking attempts that infect my files…
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2 answers

Privoxy rule to block Facebook spying

Recently, my server's Privoxy rules to block Facebook's spying have failed. How can I block current Facebook spying links? Since soon after the inception of Facebook's so-called “Open Graph” cross-site tracking widgets (those “Like” bugs on numerous…
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5 answers

Best Open Source or Freeware Malware/Spyware/Antivirus with centralized management?

What are the best Malware/Spyware/Antivirus solutions? Several requirements for the solution: Open Source or Freeware Centralized Management Reporting and Remote Installation Think spybot / malwarebytes / highjackthis for business. I am not…
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4 answers

Should I upgrade to Symantec Endpoint Protection?

I'm the IT manager at an animal shelter in Upstate New York. We have a Windows network with about 50 desktops running Windows XP Pro. We used to use CA eTrust Antivirus, but that product didn't work too well (too many infections got through). …
1 answer

Can hidden shares be discovered programmatically without network admin permissions?

I work in an IT department and we would like a network accessible folder to read and write data using our internal applications. So permissions need to be open to all users. But if a user gets malware on their PC, the malware would also have the…
Joe Gayetty
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2 answers

Outlook Web Access, Exchange 2013, Malware

we have an exchange 2013 server and most users are all use OWA. The other day a user openend an email with an .doc attachment using OWA and the local antivirus automatically quarantined it and stopped any activity. My concern is whenerver or not…
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My website is infected, I restored a backup of the uninfected files, how long will it take to un-mark as dangerous?

My website was recently infected by a malware distributor (or at least I think it may have been). I have removed all external content, google ads, firefly chat, etc. I uploaded a backup from a few weeks ago, when there was no…
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1 answer

Something renames files to filename.ext.suspected

I've experienced a very strange behavior on a Debian server. This server runs a lot of website, most of them CMS, mainly WordPress. And sometimes something renames my files from wp-db.php to wp-db.php.suspected for example. And these files seem to…
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Linux Malware Detection Monitoring: Clean files after hit

I'm using LMD ("Maldet") for scanning a web server with different projects. For this purpose I'm using the inotify-monitoring. Well, the inotify-log shows, that the modified files are noticed, but I guess the filtering fails, because bad scripts are…
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