Questions tagged [malware]

Malware is any software application which subverts the will of the legitimate owner of a computer, by means of force or subterfuge, with or without personal or monetary gain on the part of the creator.

"Malware" is a portmanteau of "malicious" and "software"

Common forms of malware include:

  • Botnet clients, which grant the malware author some degree of control over the compromised operating system and are generally employed in sending spam e-mail and may be rented out to perform DDoS attacks.
  • Data exfiltrators, which collect and transmit data about the computer they reside on back to the creator. These are commonly used to target login and account details for financial, social networking, and gaming websites.
  • Rogue Utility Applications, which attempt to use scare tactics in order to entice the computer's user to purchase the "full version" of the Rogue Utility.
  • Adware, which causes advertisements to appear on the user's desktop, in webpages, or elsewhere.
  • Rootkits, which attempt to conceal the presence of both the root kit and (usually) an accompanying piece of malware from another category from standard system tools and diagnostic utilities.
324 questions
2 answers

Good malware removal tool(s) for windows XP/Vista/7?

The goal for this Wiki is to extablish a list of known good tools for cleaning up those pesky malware / virues that haunt windows clients. What tools do you like and what are their strengths and weaknesses? I'll post my own favorite as an…
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Hundreds of suspicious messages coming from random sources

I'm having a serious problem and I'm getting out of options. Out of the blue, my Windows 10 laptop with McAfee started reporting hundreds of suspicious messages blocked by the laptop firewall (I don't have a router firewall). The origin is random…
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How to prevent non-power-users with admin rights from accidentally installing adware on community pc

I am going to describe my problem and solution to prevent non-power-users installing unwanted software along with other software (adware installed through pre-set checkboxes in a "desired software setup.exe") We have a community PC where 10+ people…
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2 answers

Rootkit scanning

Are there any good services or ways to scan for rootkits and backdoors? I know there are rkhunter and chkrootkit but are they even ideal anymore? They never seem updated and look more like they were good in the early 2000's
Tiffany Walker
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How do I remove a rootkit without an anti-rootkit program?

Possible Duplicate: My server's been hacked EMERGENCY Windows 2000 Server. I believe I have a rootkit. But, nothing will remove it. I've tried everything. Even tools that are merely for scanning fail or bsod the computer. Since nothing works,…
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Restore Shadow Copy Deleted by Ransomware

I got hit by the latest version of Crysis ransom ware on 14/09. I was lucky enough to pull the cable on the infected PC before it could spread to all servers on my network. However, it did spread to a file server (Server 2008 R2). The server has…
1 answer

How to check if any malevolent scripts are running on the server?

I want to give some small jobs to freelancers who would have FTP access to my websites hosted on my server. I heard that sometimes it's possible they put malevolent scripts and software on the server, so that it runs from it even when the project is…
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1 answer

Why is the Anti Virus Definition file only 200MBs?

So I downloaded a virus definition file for symantec endpoint protection. We regularly update our client's closed network anti virus using these files once every 6 months. The files are of '.JDB' extension which I presume is some sort of database…
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2 answers

Can I report malicious ip addresses for money?

My servers get attacks from thousands of ip addresses everyday. I have an idea. Can I report those malicious ip addresses, or use the resource to earn some money? How? You may think these attacks are common on the Internet. But the attacks to my…
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