Questions tagged [log-rotation]

Log rotation is an automated process used in system administration in which dated log files are archived.

Log rotation is an automated process used in system administration in which dated log files are archived.

66 questions
2 answers

What is rotating my mail logs

In looking at my /var/log dir, I can see that my mail.log and mail.err files are being rotated. An increasing digit is appended to the the end of the logs every six days and after the second long, the log file is gzip compressed. There are no…
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Logrotate failing with `No data available` error

I'm using logrotate for various log rotation tasks, including rotating log files for the postgresql pooling utility pgbouncer. pgbouncer logs expansively - I accumulate many GBs in a couple of days - thus I changed its config in logrotate.d to size…
Hassan Baig
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1 answer

How to compress and remove olde compressed files using logrotate when the file has a date in its name?

I'm generating files daily named as my_file_YYYYMMDD.csv (for instance, my_file_20160406.csv, my_file_20160407.csv and so on). I want logrotate to compress them daily and that it keep just the last 30 files. The problem is that it's generating files…
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0 answers

Logrotate does not work daily, but the status file says it does

This is my logrotate script: /var/log/pyApi.log /var/log/runGet*.log { daily missingok rotate 7 compress notifempty nocreate su } Already checked /var/lib/logrotate/status, it says the last run is on 27 February 2016,…
Aminah Nuraini
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1 answer

(2)No such file or directory: AH00104: unable to start piped log program

Well sometimes apparently easy things turn into disaster. As soon as I add to the VirtualHost: CustomLog "|usr/sbin/rotatelogs -l ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/01030/%Y%W_01030.access.log 604800" combined I get : [Wed Nov 25 20:08:37.886766 2015]…
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2 answers

freebsd's newsyslog.conf daily logs rotate

I'm trying to utilize newsyslog.conf -- newsyslog(8) configuration file to rotate my apache/nginx/squid log files: # uname -a FreeBSD X 9.2-RELEASE-p17 FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE-p17 #0 r282430: Mon May 4 13:59:58 PDT 2015 …
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1 answer

Lighttpd stops writing to access.log

I have this issue with my lighttpd installation where logging to access.log will cease once the default log-rotating software erases my access.log after copying it to access.log-YYYYMMDD. I have to stop and restart the service to get the logging to…
3 answers

How can a script loop for 30 days?

I have a script,, that creates a backup of a MySQL database and then SCPs it to a remote server. This works great, and I can run this once per day using crontab with no problems. However, I want to only store the last 30 days of backups,…
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0 answers

Apache logging: Are there any alternatives to piped logging that allow for automatic compression?

Are there any alternatives to Apache's rotatelog that will also compress logs? Logrotate is not an option due to requiring a restart. Ideally this would be a utility that can be used to pipe logs from apache to it, similar to how rotatelog operates.…
1 answer

Log not readable after rotation by daemontools

I have a log, which looks perfectly fine. However, after the log rotation by daemontools, it is no longer human readable. What could be the problem?
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0 answers

supervisor log rotation not working in alpine

I setup Nginx(1.18.0) and Supervisor(version: 4.2.2) in an alpine docker image, the following is the supervisor conf: [supervisord] nodaemon=true [program:nginx] command=/usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx -g 'daemon…
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0 answers

how to handle extreme hug Weblogic server .out file?

Weblogic server under logs folder has servername.out0000x files which are extreme huge. Log folder is over 1.4TB and some servername.out000 files are over 100 G. How these file can be reduced size or can be deleted? Is there any way to handle…
0 answers

Logs are not shifting to new directory after log rotation

I am facing issue. We have setup log forwarder for sentinel and logs are frequently coming on /var/log/messages. Actual problem is i have created one script for log rotation and placed it under /etc/logrotate.d/ with name messages.conf below is the…
0 answers

how to confirgure the metricbeat data collection and index rotation

i trying to configure metricbeat data collection with date wise pattern and tired to rotate the metricbeat logs and made changes in metricbeat.ym in output.elasticsearch: session the changes are indices: - index:…
1 answer

How to properly configure a custom logrotate configuration file?

For the first time today, I am trying to write a configuration file for logrotate. When I restart the logrotate service, I get the following error: logrotate.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'. If I delete my file and restart logrotate.service,…
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