Questions tagged [rotation]

15 questions
2 answers

Rotate a file that's open and being written at all times

I have an linux application that continually writes logging information into a log file, eg. /var/log/application.log. As the application does not rotate the file automatically, this log file can reach a size of gigabytes in some weeks, so I want to…
Bruno Polaco
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5 answers

Need a solution to stop students from rotating screen on laptops with intel graphics

We have some students who have figured out how to rotate the screen using either the hotkey combination or right click context menu. It's easy to fix but it's time consuming because no matter how many times I tell people how to fix it there's always…
1 answer

logrotate configuration on linux to rotate syslog-ng log files correctly

I am having some trouble trying to configure log rotation for some syslog-ng local log files I'm trying to keep. for some reason, the size is not respected and logs are filling my filesystem quickly. I want to keep something like 3 files of 100Mbs…
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Log backup clashes with log rotation

On my servers I have log rotation and a backup script which, besides all, backs up the entire log directory. For log rotation I use logroatate on Linux and newsyslog is used on BSD. For log backup I simply cp -Rf /var/log/ /backups/ From time to…
1 answer

Rotate other logs with rotatelogs.exe

On my machine there is some process which is writing a log in C:\Application.log. Now I want to rotate the logs file without stopping that application. On the same machine I have apache 2.2. As I know we can use apache's rotatelogs.exe, but it is…
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3 answers

Tape Backup Scheme - Trying to save tapes

I have inherited a tape backup scheme that currently doesn't wash any tapes. Expensive, but fine. We currently run Fulls every quarter, which become our offsite. We then run incrementals in the interim. The fulls are permanently archived…
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pcap stream rotation and pruning

Some of my servers collect a lot of packet data. Is there a utility (or patch to tcpdump(1)) to log a pcap stream to disk which: Rotates based on size of data written Prunes written files, keeping only the N most recent Does not re-use output…
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1 answer

How to avoid downtime during MySQL RDS SSL Certs rotation

If you've received the following email from AWS: Update Your Amazon RDS SSL/TLS Certificates by February 5, 2020, you probably aware that SSL certs rotation procedure will cause an outage even for Amazon…
3 answers

Script for remove old backups

I have a lot of backups, like: backup-20130528_054504_mysql.tar.gz, bill_db_201305290130.BAK.bz2, etc_20130412.tbz This is full backups which done each day. Before today, I have a cron task with a command line like this: /usr/bin/find…
Korjavin Ivan
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1 answer

Rsyslog Central Server Log Rotation File/Folder Permission

I have setup a CentOS 6.3 box to collect logs from a few devices, I have log rotation setup for each host. Basically It rotates the log file by Year, Month, Day and the Host. Everything works great except it seems the Rsyslog daemon creates the…
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2 answers

syslog rotation not working

I've got an Ubuntu (9.04/Jaunty) server VPS that's not properly rotating syslogs. Here's what I've checked so far: syslogd-listfiles lists the files I think should be rotated cron.daily is running (so sayeth syslog) when I manually run the file…
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1 answer

Find old files in directory

I'm writing backup rotation script, that suppose to take all files older then 5 days and delete them. Problem is that i've got some weird search results. for example: [root@spr1-nas01 storage]# date Wed Feb 8 14:48:09 EET 2017 [root@spr1-nas01…
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3 answers

How can a script loop for 30 days?

I have a script,, that creates a backup of a MySQL database and then SCPs it to a remote server. This works great, and I can run this once per day using crontab with no problems. However, I want to only store the last 30 days of backups,…
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1 answer

Log Rotation Causing nxlog Failure

I'm using nxlog to watch two vCenter log files on a Windows Server 2008 system and I have a very simple config to ship messages to Logstash. Nxlog began failing yesterday after a file was rotated. Here's my config: Module …
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2 answers

Suggestions for a backup/archive system

I currently have a backup system that stores everything I want to backup in a single file. The file is approximately 15 GB. The backup is made nightly. I'm looking for a system for a Linux server that will keep daily backups for 7 days, weekly…
Tom Marthenal
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