Questions tagged [localization]

In IT, localization refers to the settings/configurations that are altered to make a product (usually software) appropriate for different locales. Language, timezones and the formatting of things like currency or dates are common examples of such settings.

In IT, localization refers to the settings/configurations that are altered to make a product (usually software) appropriate for different locales. Language, timezones and the formatting of things like currency or dates are common examples of such settings.

118 questions
3 answers

modify iostat -t time output format

I was trying to plot the results of various iostat results. For that I want to use Anyhow - for some inexplicable reason, that script has the time format it…
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Proper way to configure locales on a vps?

I noticed on some VPS's, locales is not installed by default so dpkg-reconfigure locales will only throw an error saying that locales is not installed. I want to do apt-get install locales, I've done this a couple times and I know this sets up the…
meder omuraliev
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1 answer

how to fix locale issues in centos 6

I have a centos 6 server and I am running into some locale issues. When I type the command locale, it gives locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or…
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Setting locale permanently fails on VPS machine Ubuntu server 16.04

I tried everything that I could find, including dpkg-reconfigure locale, reinstalling packages completely, adding LC_ALL and other settings to etc/environment, tried adding to /etc/locale.conf , to .bashrc... Removing from ssh-d... There is no…
Aleksandar Pavić
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CentOS 7 locale settings changed after Yum update, how can I fix them?

I've been having a number of problems with locale settings and the JVM recently. But this is bigger than that now. I did a Yum update today, full update of everything. It hadn't been done in some time. Everything is working well, except the system…
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Mongodb sharded cluster architecture

I have a mongodb cluster on aws. In order to reduce network latency I want to have multiple shards in different regions. In each region there will be the application nodes that connect to the localhost mongos. How can I ensure that the mongos will…
1 answer

Find if asian typo are installed

I need to find out if asian typo are installed on my Linux VPS. Is there a way i can find it out? I guess to install it i can run yum groupinstall "Chinese Support" but how to find out if they are already installed? Thanks
1 answer

Special chars not displayed correctly

I have problem when I copy file from Server A (Debian 7.4) to Server B (Debian 7.4). Polish special characters in files are not displayed correctly on Server B (in mcedit). I created file with polish special character on server A. It is displayed…
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2 answers

Server migration from America to Europe

I have this kind of a situation where I have a server located in North of America, however, a majority of my clients are from Europe. So, I found a few companies which provide servers which are located in Eastern Europe. The companies are:…
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4 answers

how to set solaris locale

I am getting the following errors when I execute some commands on Solaris 10. couldn't set locale correctly Output of locale command- LANG=en_US LC_CTYPE="C" LC_NUMERIC="C" LC_TIME="C" LC_COLLATE="C" LC_MONETARY="C" LC_MESSAGES="C" LC_ALL= Does…
1 answer

What does this message 'locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory' mean?

Whenever I do an apt-upgrade on Ubuntu I get this message repeatedly. What do they mean and what needs to be done to remove them? locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default…
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Windows 7 boot manager not localized on UEFI systems

I originally posted this on SuperUser because I discovered this behaviour on my home computer, but this seems to be a general issue on UEFI systems, thus I'm posting here too; I also hope someone here can shed some light on what's going on. Italian…
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2 answers

Setting locale in Ubuntu 12.04 (openvz)

I have a fresh installation of Ubuntu 12.04 as virtual openVZ guest. The defined locale for LC_* in basic setup is POSIX. I'd like to change this to en_US.UTF-8. So I installed language_pack_en_base and language_pack_en, ran dpkg-reconfigure locales…
1 answer

Ubuntu 12.04 strange locale behavior

I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 with Vagrant. And I'm having hard time understanding what's wrong with locales on my system. When I login to my box via ssh $ vagrant ssh and try to run something locale related I see that something's wrong: $…
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in Ubuntu, what is the difference between en_US:utf8 and en_US: when setting LANGUAGE

related question: For setting locale in Ubuntu, what does the LANGUAGE environment variable mean? for setting locale my existing Ubuntu 12.04 server has LANGUAGE as en_US: And I can set it to en_US:utf8 as well. What is the difference ? existing…
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