Questions tagged [local]

149 questions
2 answers

Local authoritative DNS setup

Love this website and have learned a lot since I started lurking. This problem is confusing the hell out of me. If I want my local DNS server to be the authoritative of how do I setup my name servers to point to my domain, ie…
David Vasandani
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1 answer

Configure sendmail to only send to local domain

I would like to know how to configure sendmail to only send emails to one domain. I have a development server that might have customer email addresses in the database as the data is copied from the production server from time to time. I would like…
1 answer

Win7 - registry hack domain profile to local profile location

With Windows XP, if I wanted to add a user logging in locally on their computer to a domain and keep their local profile, I could change the profile location in the registry for the domain profile to point at the local profile. I did this by…
2 answers

How do an ISP's DNS servers resolve a local hostname?

This might be a stupid easy question for some of you, but I couldn't find a fast, accurate answer online. I had a problem recently where I was trying to SSH to a local FreeBSD server, but the connection was refused. The hosts.allow file on the…
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How do I allow local network access to a second dedicated webserver line?

In my office we have two separate internet lines. One is for the general office internet, and the other is a dedicated line for the webserver. I've tried to connect the dedicated into our switch using a vlan so that I can access the webserver…
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1 answer

Is it possible to add a .local Active Directory domain to MicrosoftOnline?

I'd like to add my .local domain to my MicrosoftOnline subscription, if possible. Does anyone know how such a domain can be verified, since it does not register in the global DNS system?
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Open autossh port for public access

I want to access a Raspberry Pi Zero W on the local network via NAT traversal. I was following this tutorial (in Chinese), but am having the issue described below. The idea is to forward the SSH port on the local Raspberry Pi to remote machine with…
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Setting Postfix for outbound email via SMTP with local root delivery for cron reports

I recently had to diagnose a couple of servers running Postfix which emailed results of rsync cronjobs when they returned a non-OK value. While Postfix was emailing the recipients on rsync failure, I noticed that the cronjob STDOUT was not being…
Chris Woods
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2 answers

Make an arbitrary Linux application use a specific IP address for outbound connections

Having multiple IP addresses, is it possible to make an arbitrary network application use only specific IP address when establishing connections to the outside world? System-wide, routes can be used. Some applications are configurable for this. But…
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Solaris local users querying centralized LDAP

I have a centralized posix ldap that store some users and a lot of solaris servers that points to. The users stored in ldap are able to authenticate on solaris servers. When I look to ldap access logs, there are a lot of queries from solaris local…
Daniel PC
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0 answers

elastic benstalk eb local run fail with error

when i run a multiple docker (the example) elastic bean stalk on docker, it failed with eb local run Pulling image php:fpm... ERROR: TypeError :: the JSON object must be str, not 'bytes' with debug > eb local run --debug >…
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1 answer

Unbound DNS resolver for a network

I'm actually trying to create a DNS resolver for my local network, to do so, I choosed to use unbound, so I installed it on an Arch Linux server, and it's working, but only for the local machine (, not for the network (I want to open it to…
2 answers

Ubuntu 14.04 - Command not found crashes because of locale

when I mistype a command, the command not found crashes: root@stack1:~# fubar Sorry, command-not-found has crashed! Please file a bug report at: Please include the following information with the…
Steven M
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0 answers

offsite dns while having a local domain controller per organization branch

Is it possible with a reliable wan to have the centralized dns offsite and the domain controller for an organization hosted locally?
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1 answer

Accounts suddenly expiring when created with 'NET USER /ADD /expires:NEVER'

I'm using the following command in a PowerShell script to create new local user accounts. The account is created successfully, the correct password is set and I can logon to it fine. NET USER USER_01 "Password" /ADD /expires:NEVER…
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