Questions tagged [linode]

Linode is a virtual server hosting business that specializes in Linux boxes.

Linode is a virtual server hosting business that specializes in Linux boxes.

277 questions
2 answers

Can I host multiple sites on a single Linode server a la Dreamhost?

I currently have Dreamhost, which is nice because I can host multiple domains. Is it possible to host multiple domains on a single Linode virtual host, or would I be limited 1:1 (1 virtual host : 1 domain)? To make more clear (hopefully): Let's say…
Tony Stark
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2 answers

Cannot enable site on apache

I am trying to add virtual host for a site but cannot enable it. I have added the configuration file(.conf) in site-available folder. when I try to enable it by running a2ensite .conf it says, ERROR: Site does not exist! There…
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DNS Server usage at

Until now i used old fasioned LAMP webhosting for 3 websites. I have 1 domain for each of the websites. Yesterday i bought myself a linode and to my surprise linode has DNS servers available for its users. I did not know this when i bought it. Now,…
1 answer

Ping to IPv4 works but IPv6 does not

I have a hosted VPS running on arch linux. I'm trying to make outgoing connections from this server, but all of them fail. After a little bit of debugging, I figured that the reason for failed connections is that my server cannot access IPv6…
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1 answer

How to fetch specific data from a module in ansible to be used under another host

Here is a Linode playbook to spin a cloud server instance: --- - hosts: connection: local tasks: - name: Create Linode Machine linode: api_key: 'blablabla' name: test plan: 1 datacenter: 7 …
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1 answer

Handling /etc/fstab when upgrading linode from Xen to KVM

I have a linode that is currently on one of Linode's Xen servers. I see that I am eligible to upgrade to a KVM linode. One thing that concerns me is that Linode's upgrade guide says block devices will change from the /dev/xvda naming scheme to the…
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1 answer

Linode vm with Ubuntu 9.04 can't find vim-full package

I have fresh linode with ubuntu 9.04. When I try to install the full vim with this command sudo apt-get install vim-full i get Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done E: Couldn't find package vim-full Any ideas?
Joe Cannatti
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1 answer

cloud server performance vs same specification dedicated server?

I have a web application written in php (5.6.10) and using Postgresql (9.4) we have about 4k users per day and about 20k page views per days, my main issue that we are running in cloud host with 2 application servers (Linode 16GB/ubuntu 14:04) and…
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1 answer

Use VPS provider's kernel or maintain my own?

I've got a Debian Wheezy VM on Linode and they run it with their own kernel. As a reputable company, I'm sure they're quick to apply security patches, and all I need to do is reboot to get the new one. However, to notice whether a new one has been…
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2 answers

having trouble setting up NFS server on centos 6.5

Setup: Provider: Linode nfs server: a linode with centos 6.5 nfs client: a linode with centos 6.5 When I tried mounting mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting x.x.x.x:/shared This is happening when I try to start nfs service both on…
1 answer

Configure Citadel to be Used For sending email using smtp

Sorry for this foolish question, but I have less knowldge about servers. So bear with me! I have configured Citadel as directed in linode documentation and can login using the front-end for accessing citadel. I can send emails using that. How can i…
Anil Sharma
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2 answers

How to establish firewall rules that accepting 11211 port in intranet for memcached ( Fedora)?

I am new for fedora and backend. And i have a job recently, to build a game server via linode. The current setup is 2 linode + 1 nodebalancer, I have a memcached server on each linode and I have setup memAdmin for moitoring memcached. My question…
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2 answers

Added line to bashrc, now bash is not responding

I added the following line to the end of my ~/.bashrc (This is on a Linode box) and logged out of my ssh session. source ~/.profile Now when I log in, the shell is unresponsive. I never get to the prompt and entering commands does nothing. If I…
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1 answer

IP spoofing attack errors after setting up a nodebalancer on

I recently set up a NodeBalancer in front of a Rails 3.2.12 app. The app is served by nginx and Unicorn. All seems to work fine, but I get a lot of errors such as these that I didn't get when I only had 1 server. IP spoofing…
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2 answers

Server reboots, no idea why

I'm by no means experienced with system administration. I have a Linode vm mostly for the fun of it, hosting a webserver (nginx -> nodejs) and a Minecraft server I share with some friends. I regularly (1+/day) get e-mails notifying me about system…
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