Questions tagged [linode]

Linode is a virtual server hosting business that specializes in Linux boxes.

Linode is a virtual server hosting business that specializes in Linux boxes.

277 questions
1 answer

Sendmail "Connection refused by" when attempting to send emails

I'm trying to have a virtually hosted PHP site send emails to a particular Gmail address when the site's contact form is correctly filled out and submitted. Unfortunately, nothing is being sent out. In /var/log/mail.log I have numerous instances…
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When do I actually need a FQDN?

I've been reading the guides on linode about setting up a server to host websites. One concept that bothers me most is FQDN. From what I've read, FQDN is very important and it MUST be set. In my actual case, I've been running 2 linode servers for…
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How to find the missing inodes?

df -i reports Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on /dev/simfs 300000 250697 49303 84% / so around 250K inodes in use. du -shx --inodes / reports 70K to be sure no inodes was hidden behind mounts, i tested mkdir /mnt/test/ mount…
Puggan Se
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Diagnosing unexpected downtime in a VPS setting

I currently operate a Debian VPS with Linode to host a website. Yesterday, the entire VPS became unresponsive for about 40 minutes. Checking the graphs that Linode provides I see that the entire system seems to have ground to a halt during this…
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webserver on linode and database on digital ocean

Currently hosting drupal websites on linode using apache + php5 fpm+ fastcgi. Among websites one is drupal commerce(max_execution_time,memory_limit are taken care) and all others are low hitting websites. Now I am thinking about moving only…
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2 answers

Recover deleted file from linode VPS server with Ubuntu 12.04

I have accidentally deleted files from my VPS server bought from Linode. It uses Ubuntu 12.04. How can I recover the files. I hadn't enabled backup for it.
Sudip Kafle
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When I apt-get anything I got this erro“E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)”

for example when I "sudo apt-get install libmemcache0", I got: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done libmemcache0 is already the newest version. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and…
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2 answers

Server configuration

I currently use Linode VPS (512) for my image sharing site. I'm looking to move to an unmetered dedicated server as the cost of my needs on Linode is huge. I have around 60-70GB/day of outgoing data and I need more disk space. My problem is, there…
Or W
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2 answers

Feedback request: Linode for Magento hosting?

i install and customize a self made application for web pages which uses spring+jstl and the admin uses flex. Also i want to add to my offers an ecommerce cms, so i have decided to start with magento. I'm using daily razor vps, however i was…
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5 answers

What is the worst distro on Linode?

We are going to move from Slicehost to Linode (the 1024MB ram) to host our website. Now we have to take a distribution. After discussing, the remaining candidates are: Arch Linux 2010.05 Debian 5.0 Ubuntu 10.04 LTS The needs are simple: once…
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1 answer

My website hosted on Linode via Serverpilot is down after performing a reboot

I shutdown and powered on my linode server that I setup via Serverpilot because it was going online and offline. However, since the reboot I am unable to access my website. I can access files via FTP and SSH. But, the website is down. it is using…
1 answer

How can I use a wildcard SSL certificate when setting up ISP Config?

I am running a Linode Debian 8 server. My web site directory is set up under a different virtual host that is different from the default. /var/www/html/ This is way ISP config sets it up, I believe. I found a guide…
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1 answer

Comparision of VPS between DO, AWS and Azure

Just for a little history, our product has been currently running on a bunch of DO and Linode and a few AWS instances. Our stack is a Python-Flask Webapp, Mongo(Distributed), Elastic Search, Rabbit MQ and Celery. We do process huge dumps of…
1 answer

Servers in different DC's - performance impact

Today Linode eat my nerves completely by shutting down main DB server for 25 minutes due to their internal network problems. Right today I was going to set up another one server at linode to set up a master-slave replication pair for MySQL. Me and…
2 answers

Installing virtualbox on linode

I've followed the VirtualBox installation guide found here and have switched my Linode kernel to use 2.6.32-47-generic-pae using this guide, but I still keep getting the following error when I run sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup: Starting VirtualBox…
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