Questions tagged [limits]

82 questions
2 answers

When NOT to use virtualisation?

When virtualisation was new, we tried to virtualise everything, but then we noticed use cases where the our virtual machines were much slower than a bare metal. For us, we use the following rules when deciding not to virtualise: Network IO…
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how do i set hard and soft file limits for a non-root user at boot?

I have a xen HVM vps and I'm trying to raise the hard and soft file limits for nobody at boot time. I'm using Ubuntu 10.04.3 and inside /etc/security/limits.conf I have: nobody soft nofile 10000 nobody hard nofile 30000 But…
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4 answers

Setup "open files" limit in Linux per user. Cannot setup more than 1024

I try to increase open file limit for certain user on CentOS 5.5 Linux. I added a new line to /etc/security/limits.conf: seed hard nofile 10240 Then do test: runuser -s /bin/bash - seed -c "ulimit -S -c 0>/dev/null 2>&1; ulimit…
Andrey Zentavr
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1 answer

Linux : Count Open Files for Process

How can I check how many open files are currently used? Checking on PM2 is just an example: I found the PID: ps aux | grep pm2 | awk '{ print $2 }' Checked that there is a limit of 65536 openfiles: # cat /proc/16305/limits | grep 'Max open…
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Ubuntu: Unable to change limit for number of open files for root (all users), what could be the reason?

I Have an Ubuntu 16.04 server. When I run as root, ulimit -n I get 1024. When I run it as my user I get 65535. But I want to make sure that all users, including root has the open files limit set to 65535. The problem is that I've done everything I…
Itai Ganot
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3 answers

How to setup a traffic limit per user on OpenVPN?

I am setting up a VPN server using OpenVPN. The authentication method is the certificate one (different certs for client and server). The VPS has 1TB of traffic monthly. I plan allowing up to 4 clients per one server. So I'd like to restrict the…
1 answer

How do I increase the open file limit on Linux?

I am using CentOS 7. I found out that the current value can be seen using $ ulimit -a (look for open files). Or just $ ulimit -n Then I try to edit these limits by editing the file at $ vim /etc/security/limits.conf and adding these two…
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1 answer

KVM Raw file size limitations

What are the technical and practical size limitations of raw disk files to be used with KVM? Can I create a 2 or 3TB raw disk file as a data drive for a KVM based windows virtual machine (acutally using Proxmox as the hypervisor) without problems?
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1 answer

From which Apache version onward is LimitRequestFieldSize no longer hardcoded to 8k max?

Title says it all: from which version onward is the LimitRequestFieldSize no longer hardcoded to a max. of 8k? It seems 2.2.15 is still affected.
2 answers

Fork-bomb Protection on OS X - Limit processes with ulimit?

Got introduced to the fascinating world of UNIX about a year ago, but after, for lack of a better expression, "the waste-matter colliding with the rapidly spinning blades" today as a result of my tinkering; I decided it may be time to get a bit of…
2 answers

Process limit for user in Linux

This is the standard question, "How do I set a process limit for a user account in Linux to prevent fork-bombing," with an additional twist. The running program originates as a root-owned Python process, which then setuids/setgids itself as a…
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1 answer

How to current Linux process count (compared to pid_max)

How can I get the number of Linux processes (including lightweight processes)? I want to see how many before I hit the limit dictated by /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max.
Paul Draper
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3 answers

Aggregation under the radar

I'm considering writing an application that aggregates information from a fairly popular website. This application would request information from this website at a set interval. I know this is a really hard question to even "ballpark" an answer…
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0 answers

Force nproc ulimit on non interactive user

I have a script that can be launched n times at the same time through php-fpm. php-fpm pool is set to run under a certain username and I want to limit the number of processes this username can launch. ps aux|grep fpm root 7165 0.0 0.0 849288…
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0 answers

OOM using CRON but not using SHELL

When I start a java program by shell, everything is working well. However if I start the same program with the same command and same user by CRON, I get a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError just after a few seconds. Additionally CRON isn't able to do…
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