Questions tagged [lighttpd]

Lighttpd ("lighty") is a fast open source web server, optimised for speed critical environments

Lighttpd (pronounced "lighty") is an open source web server optimised for speed critical environments, which is standards compliant. It attempts to be lower memory footprint, and more CPU efficient than other web servers, and is often simpler to configure. Initially it was targetted at static content, but now it is widely used for both static content and hosting CGI, PHP, Ruby, Python etc code.

More information is available on Wikipedia

587 questions
1 answer

Drupal + Lighttpd: enabling clean urls (rewriting)

I'm emulating Ubuntu on my mac, and I use it as a server. I've installed lighttpd + Drupal and the following configuration section requires a domain name in order to make clean urls to work. Since I'm using a local server I don't have a domain name…
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How can I set clean urls (enable rewrite) if I don't have a domain?

In order to enable clean urls in Drupal, I add the lines below to the lighttpd configuration file. However I'm now working on a local server and I don't have a domain available. So I need to work with this address…
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2 answers

How to get rid of webmin environment variables in PHP

I installed lighttpd with fast-cgi. Then I installed webmin. It appears webmin has taken over the lighttpd install and changed the PHP configuration to add a bunch of their own environment variables that I really do not want exposed to regular…
John P
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Lighttpd passing url as argument to perl cgi script instead of trying to find file

So I am running lighttpd and am in the process of hacking together a simple pastebin-like scipt. I have set up pb.domain.blah to run a perl cgi script (it is set in index-file.names) and was wondering if it would be possible to have something like…
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lighttpd folder/site specific config files

I've been researching what I'm sure is a very simple task. Coming from .htaccess to lighttpd.conf, I'm sure I am still missing some important concepts. I am using lighttpd for a number of virtual hosts, and I would like to set some specific…
1 answer

php curl extension problem, ubuntu

i've installed (as root) aptitude install curl php5-curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev and added to my php.ini (i assumed this wasn't done automatically because i'm using Lighty and not apache) service lighttpd restart But still no luck,…
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Why does everybody mentions Apache/NGINX/Lighttpd... but not YAWS

I see a lot of comparisons between Apache, NGINX, Lighttpd, Cherokee ... but never a comparison with the YAWS webserver written in Erlang. Maybe there is a reason for this? Or maybe YAWS deservers more attention...
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Lighttpd: What are these multiple log files?

I went into the log folder of my lighttpd server and I found several files: access.log access.log.4.gz error.log error.log.2.gz access.log.1 deluxeorganics error.log.1 I was wondering if the server is creating log.1 log.2 files (and…
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Errorlog, accesslog, slow query log, execution time log, traffic and req per sec into one tool?

I'm searching for a tool designed for LAMP server that combines server Error log, Access log, slow query log, takes time of execution of PHP scripts,traffic and req per sec statistics (for example from RRDTool) and put it all into one chronological…
Tom Smykowski
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SSL certificate doesn't work. Cannot connect to

I've setup a SSL certificate on lighttpd, on Ubuntu 10. The issue is that when I try to access to I get "impossible to connect". If I use, it works perfectly. This is my configuration file: $HTTP["host"] ==…
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How can I assign a dedicated ip to a specific path on my server?

I'm using Lighttpd and it works great. I need to point the dedicated ip provided by my hosting service to a specific website on my VPS . 1) If I browse to the dedicated ip, I currently get an error message "could not connect to ..". Should I first…
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3 answers

real-time server connections monitor

Is there any way to see in real-time the connections to my server and through which domains ? Without having to inspect the access.log file, I would like to run a monitor in the shell instead. Ubuntu 10 Webserver: lighttpd thanks Sample line from…
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How can i setup a domain pointing to a specific php page of my Drupal website?

I need to redirect a domain to a specific section in Drupal. My DNS works, Drupal works. Creating virtual host on my webserver: $HTTP["host"] =~ "" { server.document-root =…
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1 answer

Virtual hosting in Lighttpd doesn't work

I'm configurintg virtual hosting on lighttpd. For some reason only 1 virtual hosting work and the other doesn't. This is the configuration: #this doesn't work (just a html file) $HTTP["host"] =~ "^www\.website\.com$" { server.document-root =…
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3 answers

Lighttpd: Enabling module rewrite for Drupal

I'm configuring lighttpd (1.4.26) for drupal on Ubuntu 10 and I've some issues with the rewrite module. So far I have enabled the rewrite module in lighttpd.conf Then, I have added the following lines to the configuration file (as written here…
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