Questions tagged [lighttpd]

Lighttpd ("lighty") is a fast open source web server, optimised for speed critical environments

Lighttpd (pronounced "lighty") is an open source web server optimised for speed critical environments, which is standards compliant. It attempts to be lower memory footprint, and more CPU efficient than other web servers, and is often simpler to configure. Initially it was targetted at static content, but now it is widely used for both static content and hosting CGI, PHP, Ruby, Python etc code.

More information is available on Wikipedia

587 questions
1 answer

Method to proxy Subversion repo in lighttpd with https to the outside world

HTTPS is HTTP over SSL. I have an Apache server running on a machine in order to publish a Subversion repository (read-only). Apparently there is no direct solution to export the repository using lighttpd, which is why there is the Apache instance…
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Need help, failed to start Lighttpd

I following this tutorial corectly : But now i got this error : [root@fedora lighttpd]# /etc/init.d/lighttpd start Starting lighttpd: 2011-03-24 00:06:03:…
Alzea Arafat
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Lighttpd equivalent of Apache Files directive?

I'm trying to convert some rules and settings from Apache to lighttpd but i'm stuck with this Files rule: order allow,deny deny from all
1 answer

How to redirect to localhost home on entering any non existing url?

I am working on an intranet application running over Lighttpd server, it is hosted on and there is nothing else on server. I want to redirect any page request made to server (e.g.: "") redirect on I am working on…
Anil Shahu
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Segmentation fault lighttpd

Hey guys, I can't figure this out, when I add the fastcgi module to lighttpd when I try to connect to a php page, I get a segmentation fault error. Nothing is in the error log, and nothing else is printed on the crash. It seems to only be a problem…
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Reverse proxy server that lets you explicitly define mapping based on request URI?

I'm looking for a reverse proxy solution which either: a) Let's me explicitly define which requests go to which servers based on a regex (or some other similar way of defining that certain URL patterns get mapped to certain back-end servers) OR b)…
Keith Palmer Jr.
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Lighttpd, PHP, WordPress and permissions

I'm wondering why WordPress isn't able to install or update themes and plugins. I can upload files thought. This is a permissions problem, even when I CHMOD 0777 on the wp-content/themes and wp-content/plugins directory it still doesn't work. I know…
Ahmed Nuaman
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lighttpd fails while enabling mod_proxy

i am trying to set up an server with lighttpd and tomcat my conf is below server.modules = ( "mod_access", "mod_alias", "mod_accesslog", "mod_compress" "mod_proxy", …
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phpmyadmin on lighttpd gives me a 403 forbidden need help

Whats the problem: When I goto //localhost/phpmyadmin I get what I would get if I did //localhost/, I'm using both http: and https:. What did I do, that changed it: I simply reinstalled lighttpd. What I have tried: Disabling and re-enabling…
1 answer

Add minType on specific folder?

I installed lighttpd-1.4.28 to serve static files,but I want to add mintype (html) on specific folder not all document root how, can do it ?
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lighttpd with multiple IPs, each with a UCC certificate and many hostnames

I'd like to get lighttpd working with UCC certificates, but I can't seem to figure out the correct syntax. Essentially, for each IP address, I have one UCC certificate and a bunch of hostnames. $SERVER["socket"] == "" { ssl.engine …
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Using Lighttpd: apache proxy or direct connection?

I'm optimizing a site by using lighttpd for the static media. I've found that a recommended solution is to use Apache Proxy to point to the lighttpd server. But, does that use up an Apache thread/process per request? In my setup, I've noticed that…
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Lighttpd Rewrites & Blank page

I have configured some lighttpd rewrites, of which one does not work. This is the line that does not work as it should and causes a white (blank) page to be thrown: url.rewrite-once = ( ... "^/search/([^\/]+)*/([^\/]+)*/([0-9]+)$" =>…
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Why is lighttpd and fastcgi keeping sending me the *.scgi file instead of the website content?

I have the following config: server.modules = ( "mod_compress", "mod_access", "mod_alias", "mod_rewrite", "mod_redirect", "mod_secdownload", "mod_h264_streaming", "mod_flv_streaming", "mod_accesslog", "mod_auth", …
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Installing APC on a server with little ram

I'm going to install APC on my server to enhance Drupal performances, however I've read on internet that if I have little ram it might be a risk, and performances could get worse. I have 256MB ram, so I was wondering if it make sense to install APC…
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