Questions tagged [lfd]

22 questions
1 answer

How to white-list specific PHP script process in CSF?

I repeatedly receive a "Suspicious Process" notice from lfd. I'm 100% positive that the PHP script triggering this warning is safe. I wrote it myself and it makes some cross server calls that must look suspicious to csf. Now I know how to whitelist…
Luke Franklin
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4 answers

How to completely remove New Relic application

My server is running Centos 5.8 64 bit and I installed New Relic a short while ago to try and solve a few performance issues - as the server is not especially high spec I found it used too much system resources so I removed it using the Purge method…
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CSF/LFD - Suspicious processes when running nginx+php5-fpm+ Mysql

I am running LFD/CSF on three servers and on all servers I have the same problem since the first day when I set-up the server and installed LFD/CSF. I have nginx + php5-fpm + MySQL installed and lfd.log file is full of warnings: Jan 3 00:21:57…
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lfd: how to disable notifications?

My host mailbox is filled up with 1 GB of lfd notifications like: excessive resource usage notifications Suspicious process running under user XXXX How can I disable these? There was no lfd tag and I cannot create one... PS: I am using Webmin, can…
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CSF/LFD: Firewall automatically disabling again and again

I have setup a droplet on Digital Ocean, and installed CentOS Web Panel. After the initial configuration, I've enabled CSF/LFD firewall. But it is automatically disabling, again and again. I have enabled 3 time in last 24 hours. I want to know:…
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How to config CSF to allow postrouting in iptables for installing OpenVPN?

I am installing OpenVPN on my server and according to the tutorial I'm following I have to add the following line to iptables: iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE I add it and save it and successfully restart iptables but then I…
stressed out
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CSF integrated UI stops working after few minutes

I have a Centos web server without any control panel like cPanel I've installed CSF/LFD and I've configured it to enable the integrated UI It was working fine using port 6666, but after few minutes the UI not working at all And I have to reboot the…
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LFD is unable to download blocklist RBN, cannot remove it from config

I set up CSF on my cPanel installation to help manage the firewall and provide brute-force protection. One of the features of CSF (Actually LFD, which comes included) is the ability to block IP addresses listed on blocklists, such as spamhaus or…
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CSF+LFD not blocking brute force on xmlrpc.php on Wordpress site

I have just installed csf+lfd on my rackspace cloud server (a vanilla LAMP stack running centos 6.7). I only tweaked a couple of settings in the default csf.conf file: the ports allowed in TCP_IN and TCP6_IN, and then set RESTRICT_SYSLOG to 3. I…
1 answer

lfd[ ]: SYSLOG check

Checking the messages log of my VPS, I get the following among other lines: Aug 10 11:50:15 mail lfd[4894]: SYSLOG check [some capital and small letters here] What does the alert say? Is it just saying that the lfd is functioning normally, or there…
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CSF LFD suspicious process under user apache

I think my server got DOS'ed via HTTP(port 80). When I checked apache access log, it showed that specific IPs requested /GET/HTTP1.1 more than 150 times in a minute. And I've been trying to limit connection per IP via CSF. However after I installed…
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csf/lfd parameter that prevent smtp attacks?

I have a 4~5MB logwatch like this every day! someone like to hack my smtp: .... --------------------- sasl auth daemon Begin ------------------------ SASL Authentications failed 3965 Time(s) Service smtp (pam) - 3965 Time(s): Realm - 3959…
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LFD always stops working after ~30 days, until I give /etc/csf/ -r

When I give /etc/csf/ -r , I see lots of lines flushing, then I begin to get the notification emails again, (several emails per day), for example: Time: Wed Sep 12 08:39:47 2012 +0800 IP: (CN/China/-) Failures: 5…
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Failed to start IPv4 firewall with iptables

I'm running CentOS 8 Webserver and recently I had some issues with the CSF Firewall, the CSF Service is running but the LFD is failed. I did some research and I was able to fix it by doing iptables --flush (I'm not sure it was the problem…
Ahmed Suror
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iptables shows a warning message but I am unable to solve it

When I typed this command in SSH to see rules, it returns the following warning message in iptables. I am wondering what is it and how to solve it. iptables -L LOG tcp -- anywhere anywhere limit: avg 30/min burst 5…
Don Dilanga
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