I have setup a droplet on Digital Ocean, and installed CentOS Web Panel. After the initial configuration, I've enabled CSF/LFD firewall. But it is automatically disabling, again and again. I have enabled 3 time in last 24 hours.

I want to know: where can I find error log OR how do I trace why it's disabling and fix it?

Update: I found from logs that only lfd daemon is stopping with this error message in logs Unable to fork: Cannot allocate memory. I've upgraded droplet from 1 GB to 2 GB ram droplet, but it is still happening.

I am pretty sure, there is some bug or any other problem because it is suppose to work on 1 GB server.

Please somebody help...

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  • Please add more details: what are the outputs of `systemctl status csf lfd` and `journalctl -xe`? Also, make sure that `TESTING = "0"` in `/etc/csf/csf.conf`. – simlev Aug 06 '20 at 19:51

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