Questions tagged [last-modified]

17 questions
3 answers

Why does Apache send 200 OK while Last-modified matches If-modified-since?

I'm trying to have a basic behavior regarding my caching strategy: files should be cached, and revalidated with server each time. So I would like Apache to send a 304 back. Here is the dialog that happens for each browser refresh: Status Code:200…
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2 answers

How to setup Apache 2.2.3 to send "last modified" etc

and to tell browser to reload an object (and/or a page... everything on the site) only if is been modified since last visit time??? htaccess, httpd.conf... have you a ready directive right for my case? Thank You very much
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1 answer

batch - File last modification time with seconds

I want to know when a file has been modified for the last time. I can get these infos using the following batch script: FOR %%i IN (myfile) DO SET modif_time=%%~ti The problem is how to get the second of the last modification ? and the command %~t…
2 answers

What do the modified times under Debian's /sys directory mean?

Earlier today I did a full system image restore from backup. Shortly thereafter when I ran: # find / -type f -printf "%TY-%Tm-%Td %TT %p\n" | sort -r I noticed the files under /sys directory had just modified. Moreover, they were almost within the…
James Bowery
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2 answers

How do I limit 'git ls-tree' to certain filetypes?

I need to generate a list of all the images and css files with the modified dates, from a commit, for example. git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD | while read filename; do echo "$(git log -1 --format="%ad" -- $filename) $filename" done How would I…
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How to tell apache to look for last modified date before serving an old modified HTML file?

On certain requests my Django application updates static HTML files. However apache is serving them old copy from its cache... How can I configure Apache to make sure serve latest file changes.. This changes are not so frequent but as changes are…
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1 answer

XFS Folder Dates

I have a server running Centos 7, kernel 3.10.0-514.16.1.el7.x86_64, Samba 4.5.2, and XFS. We archive documents in a bunch of small .tif files, so XFS works great for us. The folder is mounted in fstab with the "defaults" parameter. Nothing added…
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1 answer

list all files with the same name in order of when they were modified

I have a directory, let's call it htdocs/live/. Many different directories are underneath this directory, each with a file commonFunctions.js living in the js directory. For example, here is the structure of a few of the directories containing…
2 answers

Apache Caching and Expires configuration

I'm looking for a best possible caching/expires configuration for my specific situation. I realize that some sites have advocated turning etags off: Header unset ETag, FileETag None I know that I should use either Expires or Cache-Control. In…
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2 answers

Why, sometimes the full content is returned unchanged, while If-Modified-Since is set?

my php-generated thumbnail files and combined javascript and css files (all having their expiration dates anc cache=public set etc) return the full content sometimes, other times they load from proxy cache! This is the comment that…
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1 answer

NGINX SSI working fine, but LAST_MODIFIED returning "(none)"?

I have NGINX SSI working fine in the virtualHosts file (code below) but LAST_MODIFIED is returning "(none)", although the NGINX docs for SSI state that the ssi_last_modified directive appeared in version 1.5.1 (we’re running version…
Dave Everitt
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1 answer

Cron job execution time

I added a job for backup to my cron jobs, using crontab -e: 0 0 * * * tar -czf /somewhere/backup.tar.gz --exclude='sth/backup' --directory='/var/www' sth But when I check the created file, with stat, it shows this: Access: 2015-08-26…
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1 answer

ls -l shows constantly updating log files with few minutes old time stamps (modified time)

I gave the command ls -lt to see which log files are constantly being written into, since if they are being written into, the modified time will almost be very close to date command's output. But strangely, the modified time in the ls command's…
Gautam Somani
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1 answer

Tell browsers to cache until last modified date changes?

My web site consists of static HTML files which are usually republished once per day, and sometimes more. I'm using Apache. In the vhost settings for my site, I'd like to tell browsers to cache HTML files indefinitely, until Apache sees that they…
Chad Johnson
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1 answer

Copy directories modified by specific users within a certain time frame from an FTP

I am trying to cleanup a 12TB Windows FTP with several million files. Basically, I want to keep the directories that are still being used by a specific subset of users who had access, and only keep them if they were modified within the last year. Is…
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