I need to generate a list of all the images and css files with the modified dates, from a commit, for example.

git ls-tree -r --name-only HEAD | while read filename; do
  echo "$(git log -1 --format="%ad" -- $filename) $filename"

How would I modify this to just return jpg, gif, png, and css files?

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    In your place I'd man grep, seeking for regexes and multiple patterns. – Marco Jul 11 '19 at 17:11
  • I'm trying to build a list of files that I need to purge cache on. Ideally I'd want to get a list of all files that were modified in a build, but the git ls-tree returns all files in the build. Since the list from git shows all files, not just those modified, I could settle for limiting to types and then make assumptions based on modified date to current date. – Kari Jul 11 '19 at 19:58
  • If you consider my answer relevant to your question you can flag it as accepted. TY – Marco Jul 17 '19 at 11:47
  • I don't seem to have the ability to 'accept' it - does that take a certain level of karma? – Kari Aug 22 '19 at 21:06

2 Answers2


Oh I see @Marco - thanks. It didn't occur to me I could toss a grep into the mix, for example this slight modification worked well.

--name-only HEAD | grep ".css" | while...
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Since you need a list of all images and css files, ideally, you should pipe your output to something like:

grep '.gif$\|.jpg$\|.png$\|.css$'

Of course you could add more relevant extensions your project might contain, such as .bmp, for instance.

If I try ls |grep -i '.gif$\|.jpg$\|.png$\|.css$' I get a list of all files in current folder with given extensions.

Let's take a closer look at this command:

$ ensures you won't match any undesired file, such as .css.bak. $ matches end of line.

\| allows you to specify multiple patterns, so you don't need to invoke multiple git ls-tree to get the whole list.

Should your repo contain any files with uppercase extensions you might want to add -i in order to run grep case insensitively.

Patterns between single ' ensures dots are interpreted as dots, and not as "any character" as meant in regexes.

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