Questions tagged [lamp]

Acronym for a development stack originally made up of Linux, Apache, MySQL and Perl/PHP/Python

LAMP is an acronym that refers to a stack of open source software used in development. The initial letters come from the following components:

  • Linux (operating system)
  • Apache HTTP Server (web server)
  • MySQL (database software)
  • Perl/PHP/Python (programming language)

Similar terms are used when on other operating systems while keeping the software suite:

  • Microsoft Windows (WAMP)
  • Mac OS (MAMP)
  • Solaris (SAMP)
  • OpenBSD (OAMP)
658 questions
1 answer

Correct packages to install LAMP on ubuntu

I have read some tutorials about install LAMP and I have seen that they install differents packages for MySQL and PHP. For example to install MySQL: 1. mysql-server 2. mysql-server libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql 3. mysql-server mysql-client…
2 answers

Apache DDOS Prevention

Moved from Stackoverflow. I have a LAMP server running Ubuntu with security programs such as Denyhosts, Fail2ban and with Mod_security installed but seem to constantly be the target of a DDOS attack. Here is a section of the access.log: …
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2 answers

Connective Lamp Server to Windows Domain

I recently made a centos lamp server running apache mysql and php. I have wordpress and phpbb3 installed and running on the server. The linux server is running in the same building as a windows 2003 server. Is there a way to connect the linux and…
1 answer

Lenovo ix4-300d - apt-get not working

I just bought a NAS (Lenovo ix4-300d) that's running Debian, and I just found out how to enable SSH. I want to install Apache, MySQL and PHP for local development. When I'm trying to use apt-get, I get the following error: login as:…
1 answer

How can I duplicate LAMP install stack on another Centos 6.4 with minimal commands

I have just made new amazon ec2 instance and i want to install LAMP stack with all plugins or modules required. I already have local host where i have everything installed. Is there any way that i get whats all modules /packages are installed on…
1 answer

Custom file name extension for Apache webserver

I pay for a very common LAMP webhost. I was wondering if I could have custom extensions for my files. Let' say I have this url, for instance: http://www.mysite/custom.php how do I change that to something like: http://www.mysite/ just…
2 answers

LAMP make website public

POST EXISTS IN UBUNTU FORUMS ALSO Hello all, As the title describes i am trying to make my website public from a LAMP setup. I trying but i am failing... so if you could give that extra push it would be much appreciated! My setup: -VMWARE 9.0.2…
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3 answers

Is it possible to automatically restart crashed services in Linux?

I am Using Ubuntu Server and would like to know if it's possible to automatically restart services that go unresponsive. I am operating a standard LAMP stack and occasionally vital services need to be restarted but I want to do it in a programmatic…
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3 answers

Looking for modules to increase Apache and PHP Performance

We are looking for modules that will increase performance for apache and php, we know that the fastcgi module will help our page load times, is there any other modules out there that will give us a performance increasing boost? Thank you! Jeff
1 answer

Using subdomains, separate databases, and virtual hosts to scale SAAS

I am building office management software on a LAMP server on a SAAS model. My clients typically have 5-10 thousand customers they are tracking with all of their contact, invoicing, appointment information. I want to keep each clients information in…
Jared Green
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1 answer

Book on Modern System Architecture for Web applications

I'm looking for some reading material on architecting and system admin tools etc for building web applications from small to large detailing the recommended and appropriate steps as you grow? In my case the environment is a LAMP.
Derek Organ
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3 answers

Managing Linux Server for a Website

I'm currently building a website using the LAMP stack and would really like to learn how to manage Linux servers running my website. My question is, what certifications and online videos are available for teaching me how to manage Linux servers for…
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1 answer

VirtualBox Networking with Turnkey LAMP (Networking not configured)

A few months ago i set up a LAMP-Server Appliance from Turnkey for VirtualBox. After installing some application based on this LAMP-Appliance, i exported an Appliance of these states. Now i wanted to import again from one of these states via…
2 answers

What configurations need to be set for a LAMP server for heavy traffic?

I was contracted to make a groupon-clone website for my client. It was done in PHP with MYSQL and I plan to host it on an Amazon EC2 server. My client warned me that he will be email blasting to about 10k customers so my site needs to be able to…
James Gu
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4 answers

What are specific differences between a windows server and a LAMP server, and which one should I learn about?

For the past 6 or 8 months I've been working a lot with .NET. I've learned about web services (though I'm no expert) and recently I've developed a strong interest in web servers and I really want to set up my own. I have an old desktop computer with…
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