Questions tagged [lamp]

Acronym for a development stack originally made up of Linux, Apache, MySQL and Perl/PHP/Python

LAMP is an acronym that refers to a stack of open source software used in development. The initial letters come from the following components:

  • Linux (operating system)
  • Apache HTTP Server (web server)
  • MySQL (database software)
  • Perl/PHP/Python (programming language)

Similar terms are used when on other operating systems while keeping the software suite:

  • Microsoft Windows (WAMP)
  • Mac OS (MAMP)
  • Solaris (SAMP)
  • OpenBSD (OAMP)
658 questions
3 answers

Secure LAMP server for production use

What is the procedure for securing a Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP Server (or even Perl) for production use? Other than setting the MySQL password and the root password for Linux what other (maybe not so obvious) steps should be taken? Also what steps…
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3 answers

Linode Distro (How to Choose?) 64bit?

I have made the leap to Linode (360MB) and wanted to get some feedback on which distribution to choose. I'm going to be running LAMP (with P being PHP). I am mainly curious about security, performance, stability and future patching. Should I go with…
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2 answers

Apache "httpd" process, utilizing all my servers memory

My small ec2 instance with 1.7 GB memory, running the Amazon AMI based off of CentOS, has an issue with Apache utilizing way too much memory than it should. If you take a look at the screenshot, the memory usage will be at 90-100% until I reboot the…
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4 answers

How to check if my cron jobs are executed?

I hope I am asking this question correctly. I am trying to run all jobs that are setup on my server, by nano /etc/crontab I see the list of: # m h dom mon dow user command 27 * * * * root cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly 58 15 …
Chris Hough
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3 answers

The best way to share a file uploads directory across horizontally scaling web servers

I'm currently trying to spec up a horizontally scalable cluster for a drupal based web app, that looks something like the colorful diagram below: The load balancer implements sticky sessions, so a user keeps state once they've been allocated a…
Chris Adams
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4 answers

VPS Administration for the Absolute Beginner

I have a new site that I want to build, something that I as a programmer wish existed. While there is no way this site would ever reach StackOverflow levels of success, I do hope that it will have a broad appeal and become decently successful - I'm…
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4 answers

Profiling Apache+Mysql+Php server - which is the bottleneck?

How do I profile an Linux + Apache + Mysql + Php server for speed? I have a server with a heavily modified MediaWiki instance running on Ubuntu 8.04. It's a bit sluggish - I haven't done anything to optimize it yet so I'm sure there is plenty of…
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2 answers

What to do after hitting the dreaded 256 max connections Apache Limit

After scratching my head trying to figure out why my site was responding so slowly even though the server resources are fine, I finally checked the Apache status and found: 78 requests/sec - 0.7 MB/second - 8.5 kB/request 256 requests currently…
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4 answers

Advantages of Using Nginx or HA Proxy as Load Balancer

In our environment we us both Nginx and HA Proxy on different clusters. Are there advantages of using one over the other? Or, what is the best way to go about load balancing a basic LAMP server cluster?
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1 answer

What user should own /var/www on Ubuntu 9.04 Server?

I've got LAMP on Ubuntu 9.04 Server and the default installation has root:root owning the /var/www folder. I discovered this when another service, Hudson, could not write to that directory. I want my hudson user to have permission to write to…
Michael Prescott
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5 answers

good LAMP/Rails admin reference for VPS?

I just switched to a VPS after years of shared hosting, so I need to brush up on my administrative skills. Years ago I was a UNIX admin, but I'm rusty, and in particular don't know the details of managing a web stack (LAMP), with a little RoR…
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1 answer

1 EC2 instance per website - manage multiple websites on Amazon cloud using EC2

I'm managing multiple websites, most based on WordPress and all are based on LAMP stack. I'm moving all my websites to Amazon cloud. I'm new to AWS and my plan is moving 1 website by one, starting with my smallest website. My question is should I…
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4 answers

How to make a directory in site root a subdomain?

I have a Ubuntu LAMP site hosted at I have a directory called john that is accessible via I would like it instead to be accessed via My site root is /var/www and this directory is at /var/www/john What do I…
JD Isaacks
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13 answers

What are the Benefits of Server Hardware?

What are the benefits of using Server Hardware versus just placing server software on top of Desktop Hardware? I've been running a small time webserver for a couple of websites, a blog and a multi-user dungeon for years and am considering…
Daniel Bingham
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1 answer

How to maintain PCI compliance on a LAMP server when repositories don't keep up with versions

We run Ubuntu Lucid 10.0.4 as the foundation of our LAMP environment. We are trying to become PCI compliant so that we can pass CC info through our server. We have run some third-party scans on our servers to begin the certification process and have…
Jared Green
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