Questions tagged [lamp]

Acronym for a development stack originally made up of Linux, Apache, MySQL and Perl/PHP/Python

LAMP is an acronym that refers to a stack of open source software used in development. The initial letters come from the following components:

  • Linux (operating system)
  • Apache HTTP Server (web server)
  • MySQL (database software)
  • Perl/PHP/Python (programming language)

Similar terms are used when on other operating systems while keeping the software suite:

  • Microsoft Windows (WAMP)
  • Mac OS (MAMP)
  • Solaris (SAMP)
  • OpenBSD (OAMP)
658 questions
5 answers

Which Linux distribution is suitable for serverside development and somewhat easy to use?

I need to setup a Linux-based server which is going to be the backend for our web services. This is what I need: (In order of importance) A GUI to manage applications and files It would be running a custom built C++ server Probably also the LAMP…
Robin Rodricks
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1 answer

PHP 5.3 on CentOS does not work.

On a CentOS, PHP 5.3 is installed, but does not work, do you have to somehow start something? Apache is started and Apache 2 Test Page is displayed alright. I added a testphp.php file with the following and browsing to the file just shows the…
Majid Fouladpour
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1 answer

Regarding Hosting Static website in Digital ocean spaces

I need to host my static website in Digital ocean space. I am looking for something similar that we do in AWS S3 static website hosting in the Digital ocean. Is the feature is available in DO? Looking for some DO experts to render their hands on…
3 answers

Securing MySQL given root access on a server

Let's say a hacker gains root access to a server containing password protected MySQL. Well, if we they simply reset the MySQL root password, given a few simple commands, doesn't that defeat the point in having it password protected in the first…
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2 answers

php file permission 600 gives me a blank page in localhost

When I set the file permission to 644 for php files, it works. But if I give them 600 then they give me blank pages. And it happens only in localhost, in remote host 600 file permission for php files works just fine. My permission specs: Folder…
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1 answer

Choosing between which HTTP, DB, Optimization tools on a VPS server

I am finally moving from a Shared hosting to a VPS hosting on Digital Ocean. Since now I have control of what I can install, I would like to know which of these are preferred to install. Web Server Apache or NGinx? I learn that nginx is faster than…
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1 answer

LAMP servers performance: Can I improve them by adding more RAMs?

Possible Duplicate: How do you do Load Testing and Capacity Planning for Web Sites Let me refine my questions: 1. How can I improve MySQL performance? 2. Will adding more RAMs help? 3. Will server 1 (details below) get bogged down even with more…
  • 101
2 answers

Is it enough just to install LAMP?

I use yum to install LAMP on Centos, like this: yum install httpd mysql mysql-server php php-mysql chkconfig --levels 235 httpd on chkconfig --levels 235 mysqld on service httpd start service mysqld start Is it enough? Do I need to add security…
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1 answer

Create subdomain from command line

I need to create some subdomains for a domain but I can't use cpanel to do that. The server that I'm working on just doesn't have it so don't suggest anything related to cpanel as I've seen on most forums. Can anyone help me with that? I have root…
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3 answers

Suggestion needed for improvement of current server configuration

I have a LAMP server with following configuration - 32 Bit OS Debian Etch Apache 2.2 PHP 5.2 MySQL 5.0.32 Hardware 3 GB memory 2 Intel(R) Xeon(R) 1.86GHz CPUs Each Apache process taking around 10mb mememory. Apache access log is disabled.…
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1 answer

Startup with no devops experience, having scaling issues

hopefully I can get some help here, even though I have a pretty vague issue. We created a startup that is starting to get quite a bit of traffic. We set up a load balancer to 2 pretty large servers. One server handles our database, but it load…
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1 answer

LAMP Installation and security

I installed LAMP server on Ubuntu 13.04 using this tutorial word to word. It worked nicely. But I am hardly able to understand these steps : $ sudo usermod -a -G www-data your_user $ sudo chgrp -R www-data /var/www $ sudo chmod -R g+w /var/www $…
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1 answer

2GB RAM VPS with LAMP. How can i improve performance and loading times?

I recently upgraded my VPS(OpenVZ VT) to 2GB of RAM. Despite the configuration changes i make to the LAMP stack the websites loading times take up to 5-10 seconds to fully load. I use prefork with apc enabled on Centos 6.3. I have installed the…
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