Questions tagged [keytool]

Keytool is a key and certificate management utility which is used to manage Java Keystores. It is shipped with Java.

48 questions
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Extract cert and private key from JKS keystore to use it in Apache2 httpd

I tried to find this but no luck. I created a JKS keystore and generated a CSR, then imported the signed cert and intermediate and root CA certs. Used this keystore on Tomcat without problems. Now I want to use the same cert for Apache2 http server…
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1 answer

openssl and keytool conflict in PEM

I have created a self-signed certificate in nginx server in ubuntu as below: sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/nginx-selfsigned.key -out /etc/ssl/certs/nginx-selfsigned.crt Coverted crt to pem using…
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Keystore + CSR created on dev system does not work on remote (AWS) Tomcat

I am facing very odd situation. I have created keystore + CSR using keytool command in my local/dev machine. I got the SSL certificate from I have successfully imported cert and configured on local/dev tomcat. And It shows…
Prabhat Subedi
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How do I setup a Letsencrypt ssl on Xeams mail server?

First, I was able to successfully setup a letsencrypt certificate on an Ubuntu 14.0.4 server for my domain, and I confirmed everything was okay, by verifying I could access my domain via https and checking that I really did have the correct files…
1 answer

Can I import an SSL certificate that was created by the CA into my Java keystore?

I'm trying to import a CA-signed certificate into a Java keystore. All the instructions I can find for this tell me to first create a keystore and a signing request (CSR) using the Java keytool, then have the CSR signed by the CA, and then import…
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Configuring dovecot and postfix ssl setting by jks file

I have CA JKS (Java Keystore) file which the CA bundle was added to it completely and we don't have any problem with java stuffs. Now how may I export/manipulate, keys and required stuffs for setting up the dovecot and postfix ssl settings (with ca)…
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SSL error, unable to find valid certification path to requested target

I'm new to ssl so forgive me. I set up a site with ssl and all the online checks (eg. show that it is set up correctly and the site runs fine in the browser. The site uses a…
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Unable to convert JKS keystore to Oracle Wallet using orapki

I have generated jks keystore using keytool and using the jks keystore I have csr. The same csr I have sent to Signing authority. The Signing authority have given the trusted certificates(root,intermediate and server) which I have imported using…
1 answer

Generate a certificate with Openssl and import the same certificate using keytool

I have a question about the SSL during the use of CAS in LIferay. I have generate the certificate using Openssl (I flollowed this tutorial) on my CAS Server and now I would to import the certificate using keytool on the Liferay machine. To import…
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Create jks for tomcat using .key ,.ca and .cert file

I have three file sample.cert, sample.CA,sample.key provided by Verisign. I need to create keystore for tomcat. As I searched I cannot use .key file directly to create keystore. The command I used is below : pkcs12 -export -in sample.cert -inkey…
kundan bora
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2 answers

how to install ssl on tomcat 7?

I know this question might sound too easy and I should had read all docs available on internet, the true is that I did, and I had no luck, its kinda confusing for me, I have installed many times this thing but for Apache, never for Tomcat. I want to…
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Installing SSL Thawte Certificates for tomcat from pre-generated Private Key

I have received a Bunch of SSL certificates that i need to install into tomcat servers, and normally this is easy enough. However, these certificates have had their private keys generated elsewhere and handed over with the private keys and all the…
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SSL connection issue with s_client

I'm trying to configure SSL on two machines (on LAN) from a local CA I created and am hitting an issue when testing with s_client, I can't seem to locate helpful info w/ my google-fu skills. I'm trying to familiarize myself with info security and…
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How to include chain.cer in a keystore file?

I would like to create a keystore file with a certificate and a chain.cer file. # openssl pkcs12 -export -chain -CAfile chain.cer -in example.cer -inkey example.key -out keystore.jks -name tomcat -passout pass:changeit Error unable to get issuer…
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New Key for expired certificate?

I need to create a new certificate for an internal server. It is self signed. Is there an easy way to just extend the expiration date of the current certificate? If not, can I reuse the current key, or do I need to generate a new one? I'll be…
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