Questions tagged [keys]

137 questions
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How do you set the session key size in OpenSSH?

In version 1 of the SSH protocol, it was possible to set the ephemeral session key size with the ServerKeyBits setting in sshd_config. Is there a way to do this for version 2 of the ssh protocol? In the SSH protocol there are three encryption keys…
Kurt Fitzner
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How can I decrypt an SSH session with both public and private keys?

Is it possible to decrypt an SSH session with the public AND private key used for the session? I have a network capture of the packets, and I have no idea what tools I'd be able to use to do so. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I've tried…
1 answer

Transfer SSH private and public keys after reinstall

I need to reinstall my system (debian) but I wonder if I could backup my pub and priv keys and then set them up on the new system. Too many servers already have my pub key and I do not want to change it. Will it work or is the pair of keys dependent…
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[Shift]+[F1] not working in putty telnet sessions

Update: I configured putty (Windows 8; x64) to send exactly the same data as an old 16 bit Hyperterminal (Windows XP). I tested it using Wireshark. But still the Software on the Suse Server does not respond correctly to my typing of Fn keys. What…
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Windows 2003 DNS TSIG transfer?

I am trying to use a Windows 2003 R2 server as a secondary dns server for my BIND 9 master. The problem is I use keys to control transfers and I dont know how to add the key to Windows so its able to copy the zone files from the master. I saw a…
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How to allow password authentication OR key authentication on CentOS 5.7?

is it possible to enable the use of password authentication or key authentication in CentOS 5.7? All I can find is setting PasswordAuthentication to no which forces the use of keys... Thanks
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3 answers

Two-Factor Authentication - SSH using Keys & Local Account Password

Is it possible and feasible to setup a linux box to first require a valid key file before prompting for the user's local account credentials? Our setup is that we have to open ssh on a machine to the internet but there's only like 2 people who would…
2 answers

Stolen Windows7 Keys! Help

I work in the IT Department of my company and we use one multi-license Windows 7 Ultimate Productkey for our in-house machines. Lately I've come to the strong suspicion, that workers from other departments somehow got a hold of the key and are using…
1 answer

Where is cli.ini letsencrypt config file?

Where is the cli.ini file for default letsencrypt package? From Let's Encrypt docs, it's possible to set default rsa key length in a cli.ini file, however, I cannot find this file. I want to make sure that all my certs have the same key size as I…
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3 answers

Can sshd authenticate each incoming connection with both a key AND a password?

I want to configure sshd to require that a connection authenticate with both a key and a password. I haven't looked at using PAM or other external authentication methods yet, but my guess at the moment (based on sshd_config(5) is that this is not…
2 answers

How can you tell how old an ssh key is?

I'm connecting to a remote server, but want to make sure that they keys have been created relatively recently. How can I tell when the keys for that ssh server were generated? If I can't check remotely, is there a way to use tools to check the…
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EC2 SSH Login Temporarily Hangs on "Entering Interactive Session"

I've been researching this for hours now, can't figure out why this is happening. Originally marked it as internet but checked my speeds (37 down, 10 up). I went from California to Oregon, and since then my Amazon EC2 started hanging for several…
Quinn Finney
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Recommendations for DNSSEC key metadata

In order to implement auto-dnssec maintain in the 9.7+ versions of BIND, one adds dates to the keys as metadata. After a lot of reading, I've come up with the following and hope that someone can confirm or correct it: $TTL 8h KSK lifespan == 1y ZSK…
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DNSSEC sign-zone results in fatal failure

I have a working DNS in a VM-env for testing and learning purposes. It's a complete server from root-domain and a couple of subdomains. I've added dnssec-enable yes; into named.conf, and also created the ZSV- and KSK-keys and appended them to one…
1 answer

Using puppet to manage ntpd certificates

My company is requiring me to implement signed time in ntpd with autokey. One of the requirements for autokey to work is to generate keys on each host. All the clients are part of the same group so they all use the same password. I'd like to not…
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