Update: I configured putty (Windows 8; x64) to send exactly the same data as an old 16 bit Hyperterminal (Windows XP). I tested it using Wireshark. But still the Software on the Suse Server does not respond correctly to my typing of Fn keys.

What could possibly be wrong? Wat am I missing here?

I just switched from a 16 bit terminal client to Putty (on Windows 8 Pro x64) and ran into a Problem which I cannot solve on my own:

I need the Keyboard shortcut [Shift]+[F1] inside the Server-Session. But whenever I type the two keys, Putty just removes the selected character form the screen.

Wireshark told me the transmitted Data is "\033[Y" and the "Poor Woman's Telnet Server" (ShellIo Java Library) calls it "Unrecognized ESC sequence with char 89 Y".

How can I send this escape sequence from the putty client? I configured putty to SCO Keyboard Settings and it sends the right sequences (so it's shown in Wireshark). But the Server does not respond to F1 to F12.

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  • Do a packet capture using the old client, figure out exactly what key sequence is sent when you press shift-F12? Then configure Putty to do that? We can't really help you given the information you have posted so far. You haven't told us anything about the software/OS that you are connecting to. – Zoredache Jan 22 '13 at 22:59
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    It seems that the original Client sends [ESC]+[ ]. What is this in putty? Or can I map another key to this combination somewhere? – Myrad Jan 22 '13 at 23:09
  • May be it was [[]+[Y] instead. How can I type this? – Myrad Jan 22 '13 at 23:15
  • No idea. But you can/should edit those details and questions into your question. Did you find that information through a capture, or from some documentation? You might also want to consider adding details about the HOST OS, and software you are using, if it isn't something custom. – Zoredache Jan 22 '13 at 23:19
  • I will expand my question after work tomorrow, maybe I can read something using wireshark. The informations above are from the old Client configuration. – Myrad Jan 22 '13 at 23:23
  • I have Extended the question by adding info from Wireshark and an alternative Telnet Server. – Myrad Jan 23 '13 at 20:52
  • Another update is right in my opening question. – Myrad Jan 27 '13 at 01:08

2 Answers2


try following: Configuring PuTTY

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  • Thanks, but I read this page over and over and tried everything useful (as far as I can judge). Putty now runs in the Xterm R6 mode, so far the only one fully compatible with the server software. – Myrad Jan 22 '13 at 22:43
  • PuTTY doesnt appear to have any code that allows it to put out the proper Shift+Function key mappings (such as Shift+F5 should be `\e[15;2~`). I work around this by forking and recompiling PuTTY – Steven Lu Feb 03 '15 at 22:29

Go to Terminal > Keyboard in the configuration window of PuTTY, change the Function keys and keypad setting to Xterm R6.