Questions tagged [kerberos]

Kerberos is a computer network authentication protocol, which allows nodes communicating over a non-secure network to prove their identity to one another in a secure manner. Its designers aimed primarily at a client–server model, and it provides mutual authentication — both the user and the server verify each other's identity.

As many vendors have their own implementation of Kerberos, configuration details for each implementation is likely to vary. Here are some links that may help those troubleshooting Kerberos on commonly used paltforms.

1136 questions
1 answer

Mongodb + Kerberos BadValue SASL mechanism GSSAPI is not supported

I am trying to run an instance of mongodb with the authentication mechanism GSS-API. This is the command: mongod --dbpath /home/ec2-user/db/node2/data --auth --setParameter authenticationMechanisms=GSSAPI And this is the error that I get: F…
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Kerberos keytab permissions

Can you share some thoughts on whether a Kerberos keytab should be readable only by root - under all circumstances? Or are there exceptions to this rule? I am setting up a Squid proxy on Debian Jessie for Kerberos authentication with Active…
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Ldap+kerberos authentication through AD

Is it possible to configure ldap+kerberos authentication on a linux machine without joining it to windows domain? I have to create a pool of VMs using RHEVM with a pretty short lifetime and I do not want to join/remove them every single time…
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Kerberos, Active Directory, and Linux/Unix Servers

I have done some research on the topic, but I can't quite find a straight answer to my question. Please tell me if my understanding is correct. Kerberos can be used as the bridge between a Linux/Unix OS and the Windows AD. Policies (e.g.…
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JBoss SPNEGO Authentication Renewing Server Kerberos Tickets

We have successfully configured SPNEGO with our webapp on JBoss EAP 6.2, Windows Server 2008, and IE10 using JBoss Negotiation. What is best operational practice for renewing the ticket issued to JBoss to minimize Administrator intervention? The…
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1 answer

Password Delegation with Windows 2008 Server Trusts?

I have a trust setup between two Windows 2008 Active Directory forests. My domains are "" and "". All of my corporate users belong to the forest. I have to add the "Identity Management for Unix" (IMU) role to one of the AD…
Server Fault
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Kerberos Errors

Need help with the below error. I haven't been able to find much that has helped. Event Source: Security-Kerberos Event ID: 4 Qualifiers: 16384 Version: 0 Level: 2 Task: 0 Opcode: 0 Keywords: 0x80000000000000 The Kerberos client received a…
0 answers

IIS 8.5 / Windows Authentication - 401 response on certain clients

We are running a Tomcat application behind a IIS 8.5 Windows Authentication Proxy, the redirect is via the tomcat AJP connector. We now have the problem that on certain clients, the authentication fails with a 401 error, the users get a logon prompt…
0 answers

Kerberized root user on RHEL 5/6

I'm currently involved with getting NFSv4 and Kerberos. We've decided to bite the bullet and try and make the transition. Our environment is: Windows AD LDAP auth on Linux against said AD. RHEL5/6 and a small ish list of exceptions. (Some of our…
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Setting environment variables based on passing Require directive

I finally succeed on configuring Apache as a SPNEGO reverse proxy for my app, and I'm using the AUTHORIZE_SAMACCOUNTNAME, AUTHORIZE_CN and AUTHORIZE_MAIL to figure out some information about the logged in user. But this is only the first…
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Kerberized NFSv4 share (deleted) after token expiry

I set up a NFSv4 server with Kerberos authentication and it runs well. However, some users stay logged in for long times such that they have to renew their tickets after some days. If during the time with an expired ticket a NFS share is accessed,…
Lars Hanke
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1 answer

ADFS & WAP with SP 2013 - Login redirect to blank page

I set up ADFS and WAP on server 2012 R2 in order to login into SharePoint 2013. I follow several how-to, and all seems fine except one thing : When I log into ADFS form, its ok, then I land on a blank page. So I had a look at WAP logs, and it…
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2 answers

Kerberos Event 4 servername showing username

We have a .Net Windows Service that uses a Httplistener and authenticates requests using Kerberos. When users are connecting via their browser, an error in the users event log shows a Kerberos Event ID 4: The Kerberos client received a…
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1 answer

Kerberos SSH Man-in-the-Middle for Data Sniffing

Kerberos clearly keeps an attacker from getting a user's credentials in an SSH man-in-the-middle scenario (one where the attacker has gotten the user to trust their server's public key and redirects traffic through that server). However, what if an…
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0 answers

Setting up SPN for SSRS in a CRM load balance environment

I'm getting this exception randomly in a CRM load balance LIVE environment when running Reports from CRM. System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityNegotiationException: A call to SSPI failed, see inner…
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