I am trying to run an instance of mongodb with the authentication mechanism GSS-API. This is the command:

mongod --dbpath /home/ec2-user/db/node2/data --auth --setParameter authenticationMechanisms=GSSAPI

And this is the error that I get:

  F CONTROL  Failed global initialization: BadValue SASL mechanism GSSAPI is not supported

It seems that I need the library that SASL uses for the GSS-API mechanism, just like this other problem that I solved:


But with the difference that now I am using a Linux Red Hat 7.5 and, before, I was using a Ubuntu 14.04. The libraries that I installed to try to solve this error are these:

cyrus-sasl-gssapi.i686 : GSSAPI authentication support for Cyrus SASL
cyrus-sasl-gssapi.x86_64 : GSSAPI authentication support for Cyrus SASL
perl-GSSAPI.x86_64 : Perl extension providing access to the GSSAPIv2 library
rsyslog-gssapi.x86_64 : GSSAPI authentication and encryption support for rsyslog
gssproxy.x86_64 : GSSAPI Proxy
python-kerberos.x86_64 : A high-level wrapper for Kerberos (GSSAPI) operations
sssd-krb5-common.x86_64 : SSSD helpers needed for Kerberos and GSSAPI authentication
sssd-krb5-common.i686 : SSSD helpers needed for Kerberos and GSSAPI authentication

Does anyone know what library I am missing?

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1 Answers1


In their document:

MongoDB Enterprise supports authentication using a Kerberos service.

Apparently their normal version doesn't support GSSAPI authentication mechanism, so downloading the enterprise version should solve the problem.


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