Questions tagged [json]

120 questions
2 answers

How to retrieve the routing tables in JSON format (linux)?

The ip command is able to return some of its results in JSON format, but it seems to be unable to format the routing table(s). Here are some examples of what I mean. List of all addresses: ip --json address show [{ ... },{ "ifindex": 2, …
1 answer

How to read docker json log files in a readable format?

I always back up docker json log files when I deploy a new image version. Is there a linux program or command that lets me browse the log output from backed-up json log files in a readable format like when you use "docker logs"? or a broader…
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Convert json file to prometheus metrics

I have nginx json access log like this, a file that append sample like this to end of file. { "time": "2019-11-27T08:23:39+00:00", "msec": 1574843019.787, "ip": "", "agent_name": "firefox", "agent_version": "70", "agent_os":…
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1 answer

Install gRPC php extension in elastic-beanstack

I need to install gRPC php extension elastic-beanstack. The way i found is to write a config file inside ".ebextensions" in order to automatically install the extension. For that I need to create yaml or json file. I need to add the following…
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Download |parse pem file aws secret manager

I have placed pem file as a key value on AWS Secret Manager. When I downloaded the pem file it downloaded as following format. -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----EncryptedText==-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY ----- How can I convert this to correct pem file…
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1 answer

IAM policy to enforce tagging not working

0 down vote favorite I have created an IAM policy to deny creating EBS volumes if it is not tagged with both the keys "empname" and "team". The policy is attached to a test user. When I try to create a volume with no tags defined, it throws error,…
1 answer

Storage profile error when deploying new machine using json template

I'm trying to deploy two vm's in an avset using visual studio 2015. I get the error message below when I attempt to deploy: New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment : 2:03:59 AM - Resource Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines '31' failed with message '{ …
Norrin Rad
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1 answer

Error when deploying JSON template

I'm trying to deploy two VMs in an avset using Visual Studio 2015. I get the error message below when I attempt to deploy: Reference Id 1 is not formatted correctly. The Id is expected to reference resources of type virtualNetworks/subnets. Path…
Norrin Rad
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1 answer

JSON parsing with Nagios plugin

I am looking to use Drew Kerrigan's JSON Nagios plugin on GitHub (drewkerrigan/nagios-http-json) to monitor the output from a REST API, but I am struggling to get the query syntax right. Here is a sample of the JSON that's returned when I hit the…
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2 answers

Powershell - Split Array Value keep first element

I'm trying to extract just the IPs from a filtered JSON using the following code: $curl = Invoke-WebRequest -Method Get -Uri "" $curl2 = $curl.Content.replace("Script", "Script_").replace("iphone",…
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3 answers

Date field is being presented as integer

I have an Elastic Stack server (on Hyper-v) that is ingesting data via a logstash exec command and performing analytics on it. Everything is working great except a date field that is being displayed as a number. How do I get logstash, Elasticsearch…
Elliot Huffman
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htaccess require host domain not working correctly

I have a folder full of folders with json files. I want to restrict AJAX requests to these files to certain domains. I made an htaccess file to restrict this but it isn't work. My htaccess is as follows:
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AWS EC2 IAM User Policy Error

I'm trying to create a user policy which allows specific users access to only the following permissions within a specific VPC: Create Instances Start Instances Stop Instances Terminate Instances I created and testing the policy in IAM and it works…
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0 answers

Amazon EC2 gives internal server error when posting via Python

I have a problem with python API and MY ec2 instance. When I am trying to post a json I am getting an error like 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR {"error_message": "Sorry, this request could not be processed. Please try again later."} I have one…
2 answers

Passing JSON application log to remote LogStash via NXLog on Windows

I have been trying to pass logs from a windows application which are already formatted in JSON to logstash via NXlog. When I have NXLOG send the file to Logstash, I get blasted with errors in the logstash.log: :message=>"An error occurred. Closing…
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