Questions tagged [jdbc]

Base API which enables interacting with SQL database servers by executing SQL statements using the Java programming language

90 questions
1 answer

Command-line/NCurses based tool for browsing JDBC database

I need to manipulate a database from Linux command-line. I already have JDBC drivers for the database (specifically DerbyDB). Now I need some sort of command-line or NCurses based tool for Linux. I just need to issue some basic and simple…
Juha Syrjälä
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Oracle 9i Session Disconnections

I am in a development environment, and our test Oracle 9i server has been misbehaving for a few days now. What happens is that we have our JDBC connections disconnecting after a few successful connections. We got this box set up by our IT department…
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On a system with fapolicyd enabled, how do I permit Java to run, which has a unique filename at each start?

My issue is fairly similar to this one: I have a Java application running on Rhel 8 that relies on an sqlite-jdcb driver. Unlike in that issue, my issue isn't with my filesystem being mounted with noexec. Instead, its with fapolicyd prohibiting java…
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2 answers

Can't connect to Amazon RDS MySQL

I'm trying to connect to RDS MySQL from linux machine. When I test the connection with telnet, the telnet session succeeds but when I'm trying to connect to the db with the next command mysql -h hostname -uusername -ppassword I can't get access and…
Anna Hecht
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Database Connections Persist After Security Group Change

We've set up a system to send a message to a queue in SQS when there's an outage on a dependency. In order to simulate an outage and test the system, I blocked the outbound port to a database on the security group, but found that the ec2 instance…
Hazel Troost
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JDBC Oracle 12 allow jdbc outgoing traffic in firewalld

I'm installing an application which needs an Oracle DB on my server. The DB is hosted on another dedicated server. The application is using JDBC to connect to the DB. I have tested the connection with sqlplus and the result is ok with and without…
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Caused by: Invalid object name 'springbootdb.users'

I have a VM running an MsSQL database. I was previously using an Oracle database. My app injects some sample data on startup and I get this error: Caused by: Invalid object name…
Martin Erlic
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0 answers

Create new MySQL connections when read-only status is detected - AWS RDS failover

Apache Tomcat/7, CentOS, AWS RDS Aurora 5.6.10a AWS provides a cluster CNAME that at any time points to the writer instance of the cluster. e.g. This name is used in the resource url value, and…
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ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID after changing port number

I am trying to change oracle tnslsnr port number from default to some other port. After I change port number for tnslsnr from 1521 to 2000 I start geting ORA-12505, TNS:listener does not currently know of SID from JDBC driver. Everything works fine…
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Weblogic JDBC connection pool keeps in suspended state when DB is back to normal

We have a JDBC connection pool on a weblogic 12c. When the backend database goes to offline, the pool goes into suspended state, and when the db is back online after a short period of time (say 5 min), the pool goes into running state. That's normal…
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Monitor Tomcat-JDBC connections

The company that I work for sells a java web application that runs in Tomcat. The primary problems we have are that the tomcat containers become unresponsive and need to be restarted and that the connection between the application and the database…
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Solr list all records but fq matching records first

I’m using solr 4.0 with DIH jdbc connector. I have a field named code with multiple values separated by semicolon(;). I am trying to list the search results which matches the field query(fq) to be listed at the top and remaining should be listed…
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Can't get Glassfish to use anything other than jdbc/__TimerService for the EJB Timer Service

I am trying to set up a Glassfish cluster (1 DAS with a cluster that has an instance running on an ssh-node). This is where I am: DAS running Cluster created asadmin create-cluster cluster Node created asadmin create-node-ssh --nodehost apphost…
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GlassFish cluster-targeted jdbc is not enabled

I have a GlassFish cluster. When I tried to add node and a instance, DAS saids a bunch of error messages telling Resource [ jdbc/xxxx ] of type [ jdbc ] is not…
Jin Kwon
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How to use JDBC Connection Pooling without JNDI DataSource? (in Apache Tomcat)

I have an Apache Tomcat 7 server. I have a quite complex Java Servlet application running on it which needs some MySQL queries per POST. Thus I need a MySQL Database connection to do the query. Currently I use the following Java code to create the…
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