Questions tagged [jdbc]

Base API which enables interacting with SQL database servers by executing SQL statements using the Java programming language

90 questions
1 answer

Connecting to RDS Postgres via jdbc & c3p0 unable to acquire from the underlying database

Trying to connect from an application using C3P0 and the latest Postgresql JDBC driver 9.4.1211. We want the connection string to be SSL and have an MD5 hash password on the user account: c3p0 { jdbcUrl =…
J Pullar
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Oracle 8.x what combination of JDBC driver, Hibernate and Spring?

I'm working to a small project which must run on Tomcat6. It's a small web application, that will use an old DB server which run HP-UX and Oracle8. Now, after several combining config, I'm stuck at this exeption: GRAVE: Exception sending context…
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2 answers

Name [ ] is not bound in this Context. Unable to find [jdbc] Tomcat Issues

I just created a fresh Oracle Linux 7 VM with Tomcat 7 and Java 8_40. I've created several servers with Apache and Tomcat before, but never connecting to databases before. SELinux and firewalld are both off (for testing purposes.) I can't seem to…
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DB replication using BinLog

I am using mysql-binlog-connector to listen to any binlog event and then perform replication on the slave DB. My problem is that, the binlog registers event right after the execution and before commit, so if there is any rollback the event is still…
1 answer

Gather WebSphere Thread Pool Utilization Data In A Text File

I am running a WebSphere 8.x cluster and would like to be able to more closely monitor my JDBC connection pool utilization. All I basically want to do is run a script every couple of minutes that gathers a few jdbc connection pool metrics and writes…
Tom Purl
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Elasticsearch River JDBC - Avoiding 'SELECT *'

I'd like to syncronize some MySQL tables to an ElasticSearch index, you know, for search. But almost every examples I can find show a big bad fat "SELECT * FROM", it's OK for an example, but I'm in production, approching 10M rows in one of my…
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JDBC Connection Pool details on Glassfish

In the context of configuring Session Beans for Entity Classes, I can get some basic information from Glassfish v4 on Ubuntu about the JDBC connection pool from the CLI with asadmin, but would like to get more detail through the CLI: thufir@dur:~$…
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WLS: Identifying the managed server where a DB session originates from

We are using WLS servers, on which we configure data sources (DS) and managed servers. For failover reasons, our main application is depolyed on two separate managed servers (lets call them app_1 and app_2) - but both of those servers use the same…
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Install Apache Derby on CentOS 6.4

I'm not a Java developer, my knowledge is very limited to this topic. I want to deploy a .war webservice on my Tomcat server, which fails most likely because of its Derby dependency (just a guess from catalina.log). So I'm now struggling with Derby…
Rápli András
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Solr: Using multiple SQL server data sources results in error: "...\sqljdbc_auth.dll already loaded in another classloader"

I have one Solr instance running in Jetty with JRE 8 with 3 collections (same as cores, yes?) and more to come. I am indexing data from SQL Server, connecting using NTLM as the identity of the Java process. The first core indexes fine, the second…
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Configure MSSQL 2008 to use kerberos authentication

I would like to set my current mssql db (2008 and 2012) to authenticate using a linux kerberos server that I have in my environment . The windows station is in a workgroup and I would like to avoid having to setup a domain controller and active…
John Doe
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Connection to Amazon AWS highly unreliable

I have a Java application that connects to MySQL on an Amazon EC2 (USA east region) instance with JDBC (using official latest Oracle drivers, location specified by IP). It also connects to S3 using Amazon's given SDK. Problem is, while everything is…
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Tomcat - JDBC Data Access Exception

My company has a web application that allows users as part of their business process to upload large documents (10+ MBs) into the application. For fast connections it works great with the document successfully being loaded into the Oracle database.…
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Is weblogic 10.3.6 data source connection pool maximum capacity per domain or server?

My WLS server is connecting to an Oracle DB that has a maximum concurrent connection limit of 3. I have created a data source in WebLogic and set the "Maximum Capacity" value to 3. Is this value calculated across the domain or per server?
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WebLogic JDBC - Profile Harvest Frequency Seconds

In the company I'm providing consulting services, when the database is updated by a process outside Weblogic Web Application, the updated data is not refreshed at once. Googling a bit I've found the following parameter in JDBC configuration: Profile…