Questions tagged [ip-routing]

272 questions
2 answers

linux route 2nd internal network

In my network configuration, I have three switches: Internet (xx.xx.140.129/25) Internal SAN ( iLo management ( I have one Linux server which I use for management that needs to have access to all three networks, however it…
John P
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Problems with network routing

Could you help, please? I have two network interfaces: 1) Physical interface (12) 2) Virtual VPN interface (39) Without VPN connection I have access to my local network (for example: But after VPN connected I don't have it. I…
1 answer

weird routes automatically being added to windows routing table

On our windows 2003 domain, with XP clients, we have started seeing routes appearing in the routing tables on both the servers and the clients. The route is a /32 for another computer on the domain. The route gets added when one windows computer…
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Why is a ping response being sent to the wrong gateway?

In a previous question, I was trying to determine why my OpenVPN clients could not ping the server LAN, even though the server LAN could ping the clients. Having investigated this further, I determined that, at least in the case of one of the…
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Windows 2003 Std HTTP issues (also affects windows updates)

I have 3 Windows 2003 servers in a domain. Server 1 is running the AD and VPN roles. Server 2 is running Exchange 2003. Server 3 is running some third party network apps and was supposed to be running the VPN role. They are all in the same subnet…
3 answers

Is it possible to add a static route to a gateway located in a differnet subnet?

I am trying this command: route add -net netmask gw dev eth0 is a public IP address of a VPN router gateway which located in a different subnet and connected through…
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Multiple gateway + load balancing in linux gateway

i have a problem with load balancing/Fail-overing with Linux gateway my network look-like this now, i want users in internal LAN (192.168.1.x), has connect with both line. is any solution excuse me for my English, thankyou
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Linux, two fiber interfaces connected to each other - routing

I have a Linux box with two fiber interfaces connected to each other. Is there any way to set up routing in a way that would actually send the packets over the link? So far it looks like when two interfaces are on the same machine, there is no way…
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How to create routes for LAN IPs in Windows XP

Hello i'm trying to use lan and 3g network at the same time on XP, as per previous questions i need to create routes for lan ip ranges. How can i do this
Nuno Furtado
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Server 2003 and XP Client; Why are HTTP connections being silently dropped

On my network, my edge-router, a windows 2003 r2 server router with all the latest updates, will drop packets, but only under specific circumstances. I have troubleshot and isolated it down to the most simple configuration i can. There is NO NAT…
Asa Yeamans
0 answers

Server with multiple public IPs - pointopoint configuration, bridge, KVM

I am in the process of configuring a server at the provider Hetzner with several individual IP addresses. On the server should run later several VMs via KVM. For the configuration I have to use pointopoint and proxy ARP must be active (only eth…
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Is is possible to use OpenVPN client as default network gateway (OpenWRT)?

Usually, when using a VPN, you can route all client traffic(s) through a VPN tunnel with a exit point on the VPN server. Is there a reverse possibility: to organize an exit point to the WWW on the side of one of the VPN clients? For example, there…
Alex A.
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Tracert hop of a L2TP vpn client shows unknown subnet

This isn't really a problem, I more than anything am trying to understand. The network I inherited and work on with another tech who built it is primarily Meraki. There are about 35 sites that interconnect with Meraki's site to site VPN's setup with…
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Route Docker outside communication through specific route

My host has 2 IP addresses. One main (management) IP and one that is used for services and whitelisted. The service IP has no gateway but goes through the gateway of the management IP. My netplan looks like that: network: version: 2 …
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Routed IPv6 on internal bridge with virtualized OPNsense router

I'm struggling with adding IPv6 to the internal bridge of my setup, here is what I have: ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ …