Questions tagged [iis-8]

The version of Microsoft's web server that comes with Server 2012 and Windows 8. It adds support for multiple SSL-certs for a single IP (SNI), web sockets, Application Initialization.

347 questions
3 answers

How to list out Virtual Directories in IIS from the all the websites in PowerShell

I have hit a complete roadblock and cannot figure out how to print out the virtual directories for each website in IIS 8. I keep retrieving Applications and empty null argument errors and just can't find a way around to get the virtual directories…
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Unable to use "Web deploy" on Windows Server 2012 HTTP ERROR 404.7

I am using Windows server 2012 and Web Deploy 3.5. When I try to publish from Visual Studio I get 404 and suggests to follow the following link Both wmsrv and remote agent…
1 answer

IIS 8 - Default SSL Site Breaks SNI

We have the following scenario in testing SNI on Windows Server 2012 R2 with IIS 8. Domain names and IP addresses listed below are fake and for example only. WEB SITE NAME IP ADDRESS Host Name/Header (SNI) Certificate…
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Using Proxy Protocol with AWS ELBs and IIS 8

I'm trying to move my SignalR application, hosted in AWS behind an ELB on IIS8, to use websockets. After following the steps recommended by AWS (change listeners on the ELB to TCP, enable proxy protocol -…
1 answer

Install IIS 6 Management Compatibility on IIS 8 / Windows 2012

I cant access IIS server from console application because i need to install 6 Management Compatibility. I fixed this error on Windows 7, since its easy to find how to install 6 Management Compatibility. Where and how i can do that on Windows 2012 /…
1 answer

TLS Error 70 issues

I have a web application (IIS 8) on one server (Windows Server 2012) connecting to SQL Server Reporting Services 2012 on another server (Windows Server 2008) that until recently was working fine. About a week ago, it stopped working, and since…
3 answers

Is running a nightly IISReset outdated?

In the past 2 weeks, our nightly IISReset has not come back up successfully and caused us an outage. We have a Windows Task that runs every night that executes an IISReset, and I'm wondering if this is even necessary anymore? Should I be looking…
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IIS Manager - can not connect using certain user accounts

I am having some trouble with what should be a very simple task. I have set up IIS 8 on server 2012 If I log in using a domain admin account, or the first admin account that was created when the machine was setup, I can connect to IIS Manager no…
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2 answers

How to modify IIS role services in Windows Server 2012?

I have a clean Windows Server 2012 installation. I installed the Web Server (IIS) role, and during the process it asked me which Role Services I would like (, iis6 metabase compatibility, etc.). How do I get back to this screen to add or…
2 answers

Is it possible to change the SSL binding order in IIS?

I have Site A in IIS 8.0 configured to an SSL certificate with the binding ###.###.###.###:443. I also have Site B configured to a different certificate with the binding ###.###.###.###:443 (same IP but host = For the Site B binding,…
Jordan Rieger
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2 answers

FTP Server on Windows Server 2012: Works on localhost, error accessing folder when using domain

I am trying to setup a second FTP server on a computer running Windows Server 2008 and IIS 8.0. I already have an FTP server accessible with one port, and this one will be accessible on a different port and point to the same directory. I forwarded…
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1 answer

IIS integrated mode foreign characters

OK so this has been driving us crazy. We have an application built in ASP.NET 4.0 running on Windows Server 2012 and IIS8. A few pages of our site are translated into multiple languages, notably Japanese and Chinese are the problematic ones. If we…
5 answers

Unable to set password in IIS 8 for Domain User as ApplicationPool Identity

I'm trying to set a Domain User account as ApplicationPool Identity in IIS 8 (Windows 2012). When trying this using the IIS Management Console I always get an error: Value does not fall within the expected range. When trying to set the identity…
Niels R.
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Server 2012 R2 Exchange 2013 Handle Leak

I have a DAG setup with Server 2012 R2 and Exchange 2013 running on three Servers plus another Server for a lagged copy. We appear to be having a handle leak on all of the Servers, it doesn't seem to matter if they are hosting the databases or not.…
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1 answer

Can you prevent IIS7/8 from monitoring UNC paths for web.config changes?

I have a web server which loads imagery from UNC filesystems for each site. These are added as a virtual directory for each site. These filesystems can contain thousands of folders and it appears that IIS is monitoring each folder for changes, which…
Steve Temple
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