Questions tagged [high-load]

All aspects of high-loaded systems development and maintenance.

All aspects of high-loaded systems development and maintenance: design, algorithms, architecture, technologies, development, testing, databases, storage, support, hardware, hosting, management.

219 questions
0 answers

How come website be random slow? Open sleep processes?

My website is randomly very slow by high MYSQL CPU, and I have no idea what the problem is. Hopefully I will come closer to the solution with this post. If I check the mysql processes, I see a lot of open sleep commands when the website is slow.…
2 answers

FreeBSD shows high load, cannot find bottleneck

So we have set up a server(11.0-RELEASE-p2) that hosts around 150-200 jails. The server has 24 cores and 192gb of ram. When using top it shows no sign of stress - except the high load. All jails reside on NFS mounts and each jail mounts its own…
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High server load with no processes using CPU?

I'm new to managing servers, and I've run into something that's stumped me. I received a warning from my VPS provider informing me that my load usage was very high. I hadn't run into this problem before, so I attempted to look into it. Unfortunately…
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Load Average problems while serving 40M requests daily with php-fpm, nginx

I have server with FreeBSD (16 cores with HT, SSD, 32Gb RAM) which is getting about 40M http requests daily. All requests are served by nginx + php-fpm. At these graphs you see that we have a problems during traffic peak. I'm not sysadmin, please…
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1 answer

Reserve Memory For Shell / Putty To Login When Server Is Overloaded (High Load)

I am currently trying to improve my failover strategies. Aside from adding a DNS failover I want to make sure I am able to log in via a shell Whenever the server is overloaded I am unable to log in or at least it takes 20 minutes - 60 minutes until…
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1 answer

Ubuntu 12.04 KVM host high load with idle ubuntu 12.04 guests

I am stuck with this one. Clean install Ubuntu 12.04 server 64bit on two physical machines. Machines are identical except one has 8GB RAM and the problem machine has 32GB RAM, both machines were purchased with identical specifications at the same…
Drew Anderson
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3 answers

Determine php script causing MySQL huge load

I'm running a young non-profit organization aiming at providing free and low cost web hosting. Since few days, our server load is around 1.5, sometimes raising to 7. top shows me that MySQL is the bad boy: PID USER PRI NI VIRT RES SHR S…
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3 answers

Nginx and php-fpm fails with high load: "Possible SYN flooding on port 80" and "104: Connection reset by peer"

I have quite heavy loaded web server using: Ubuntu server nginx php-fpm + apc Yesterday something wierd happened with my server. It crashed and stopped responding and after I rebooted it, web pages started loading very-very slowly, giving "request…
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Debug sudden load peaks

I need to debug sudden load peaks automatically. We already monitor with nagios like check scripts, but the load peaks are seldom and short. I search for a daemon which checks the load every N seconds and if there is trouble, reports something like…
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2 answers

Linux load averages and possible danger?

I have an box I built out of some parts I have around my office. I used an old Intel Core CPU (not core2) @2.0ghz with 2 cores. The box is running Ubuntu 11.10 64-bit server edition, it serves as my iSCSI target for VMware. The box also has ZFS…
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4 answers

Server not coping, cpu load averages spike to 33.0

Basically I have a server failing under load. Its a editorial news site that see irregular traffic spikes. I'm tearing my hair out trying to stabilise the LAMP configuration. Current Time: Wednesday, 14-Dec-2011 15:13:06 SAST Restart Time:…
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1 answer

250k connections for comet with node.js

How to implement node.js to be able to handle 250k connections as comet server (client side we use Would the use of nginx as proxy/loadbalancer be the right solution? Or will HA-Proxy be the better way? Has anyone real world experience…
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Anything I can do? High CPU load on server and not able to login

I just purchased a dedi server (Atom dual core) After I resynced and transferred the whole website, I have one of the scripts that required GD module to be installed , I didn't know that so it made a very huge load on the server. Right now, I cannot…
Mike sokor
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2 answers

store high amount of photos (150 million) and make available for web

For a actual project I must setup a high-available storage server who can store and publish (http) 150 million photos in 7 sizes means total 1050 million files. For every photo we need total 200 KB space to store them in all 7 sizes in total 28 TB.…
5 answers

High load on server

I have a cpanel LAMP dedicated server and I've been having load problems the last 2 days. This is what my top looks like (sorted by M): top - 14:26:04 up 1 day, 1:08, 2 users, load average: 33.10, 36.63, 38.92 Tasks: 359 total, 1 running, 355…
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