Questions tagged [high-load]

All aspects of high-loaded systems development and maintenance.

All aspects of high-loaded systems development and maintenance: design, algorithms, architecture, technologies, development, testing, databases, storage, support, hardware, hosting, management.

219 questions
2 answers

How can I handle heavy Database interaction at peak hours?

We run an application more like competition organizing websites like, When the tasks start, we see huge load on our server. The problem is, we need to interact with Postgres heavily in order to give random questions…
1 answer

top: sy higher than 70: What is going on here?

From the man page of top: sy: time running kernel processes The sy-value has peaks with values above 50, and then goes down to about 5 again. What could be the root of it? Here are two snapshots of top and the output of vmstat 1 5 top Sy-value…
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1 answer

How to track traffic tidal wave on Amazon EC2 instance?

I have an Amazon EC2 web server that talks to a second database server instance... the web site is for a TV show, so the site tends to run a normal load of traffic until it's mentioned on the air and then it's completely and totally slammed. Last…
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2 answers

Postfix has high load with smtp connections

I have a client who has been allocated 20 ip's specifically for mailing newsletters, alerts, etc. Typically, the amount of mail sent per day to users is around 1 million although it can peak at around 2 million, and not spread out evenly. I assured…
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2 answers

Which server OS to use for intensive computations and high incoming HTTP traffic on desktop PC?

Possible Duplicate: Can you help me with my capacity planning? I'm writing a highly computationally-intensive system that crawls Web-pages, processes them and dumps results into MongoDB. I'd like to pick OS that will use as little resources for…
2 answers

Child proc in highload

I need to know why this child proc is using 208% of my CPU. I think it would be a good idea to find the pathname of it. Do you have any idea how to find it? 4910 root 20 0 9691M 2006M 7924 R 208. 12.2 15:17.23 java -server -d64 -Xmx4G -jar…
4 answers

figuring out high load cause from top and iotop

What should i do if I want to prevent this high load. My website becomes slow when load is higher than 8. Please see iotop result too. top - 20:23:10 up 127 days, 3:22, 1 user, load average: 9.92, 9.87, 9.81 Tasks: 1031 total, 3 running, 1027…
Mehdi Azizi
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1 answer

How to read network card specs

i am in the need of buying a rack server which will serve static video files to users. Each video file will be between 30MB and 50MB and we expect up to 16k concurrent users. I was looking for servers and i found some nice ones from HP and DELL but…
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1 answer

How much a typical web request usage of resources can be?

I have been making my very first web application, and I am using PHP to develop it. I can see my VPS being able to flawlessly handle some decent amount of requests, even though it does few SQL queries on every request I understand this is a very…
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