Questions tagged [hash]

108 questions
1 answer

Tools for compare huge number of files in two different server

I have question. Have you ever use any tools that can fast compare the identical of huge number of files (let's say thousands files with total size up to 15 GB) in two different windows 2003 server? I want to make a test see if our backup tools are…
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puppet manifest usage with hash

I'm struggling to get this to work and don't understand where I'm going wrong, can someone please guide me on how to correct? Basically I want to get an array in my nodes.pp, which is then used by my templates file by cycling through it and writing…
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Use of hash in defined type for puppet

I'm trying to use a hash for the first time in puppet, so in my nodes.pp I'm going to use this: node { netset::int::vconf {"servers" : label1 => { 'comment' => 'VIP Test1', 'ipaddress' => '', 'netmask' =>…
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3 answers

Monitoring folder diffs across servers with zabbix

Problem: I want to make sure that a certain folder is equal regarding it's contents across my servers. I do not want an automatic filesync to keep them equal, changing is done manually. My initial thought was to once a day calculate some crc/hash on…
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Is it possible to store Hashed data in a different field than userPassword in LDAP

I've been asked to store hashed data in a LDAP server. Putting hashed passwords is easy but I'm not sure if LDAP allows to store data like email hashed or even encrypted. Creating a LDIF file with a string "{MD5}contents" gives me no errors but I…
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Change password hashing algorithm for SuSE users from blowfish to MD5

I have a network of roughly 1000 SuSE machines with 20-200 users on each. The password hashing algorithm used is the default i.e. blowfish. In order to check, whether a user has used a dictionary word as the password, have written a small utility…
Amit Kumar
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3 answers

Automate hashing for each file in a folder?

I have quite a few FTP folders, and I add a few each month and prefer to leave some sort of method of verifying their integrity, for example the files MD5SUMS, SHA256SUMS, ... which I could create using a script. Take for example: find ./ -type f…
Kennie R.
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PureFtpD to Proftp Password Conversion

I am planning to migrate users from pureftp to proftpd, i need a tool to perform password conversion Mysql password format- MYSQLCrypt md5 pureftp From: 9dd4e461268c8034f5c8564e155c67a6 Proftpd - To $1$64eb18f6a8f793689ad1eb1136f43ccf
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pgcrypto and password hashing

I'm thinking about my choices regarding how to store passwords in Postgres. One such option is to use pgcrypto. Reading their docs, I see that their crypt and gen_salt functions do not use sha256 but instead use custom version of the…
2 answers

Ubuntu - Is there any programme for MD5 rainbowtables on Ubuntu?

I've been reading about Rainbow Tables recently. There's a few webpages that will do a reverse look up for an MD5 hash. Is there any programme on Ubuntu that lets me do this? Is there something in Ubuntu that will let me generate my own rainbow…
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How to overcome the Weaker MD4 hash issue with samba

We are using samba configuration on our RedHat(RHEL7.9) systems, where SMB authentication is based on a NTLM password hash which basically a clear-text credential for a challenge-response authentication which getting stored in a separate attribute,…
Karn Kumar
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How to instruct Postfix to block a specific Hash (to protect against a known IOC attack) of attached files or content?

an attack is ongoing and we want to block at the relay mail level, some Hashes (of attached files or even the email content) to be sent or received. I want to instruct postfix to reject mail with those hashes, how can i do this ? i tried and…
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Compute and update the md5 hash after the fact

So... I just realized that the utility I’ve been using to upload data to azure blobs has only been setting content-md5 hashes for the small files, leaving the larger (more important) files without a hash. What is the best way to compute and update…
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Unknown directive "hash" for nginx while using with $remote_addr

I have using ip_hash in nginx conf file but found the requests were always redirected to same server address. Found that using $remote_addr should help to resolve this but nginx gives error 2020/05/26 11:52:50 [emerg] 24516#23724: unknown directive…
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Modify OpenLDAP hashing algorithm

I have a CentOS7 Server running slapd 2.4.44 and I'd like to modify the default hashing algorithm being used. Instead of using SSHA, i'd like to use SHA-256 or SHA-512. I've been having trouble finding documentation on this and I'd like to ask if…