Questions tagged [grub]

Console application permitting the user to choose between several installed operating systems.

346 questions
2 answers

What is Grub-install actually doing?

I have a client who accidentally converted the partition table of one of their Linux system from DOS to GPT. Unfortunately, the GRUB version is 2, and the system didn't have a BIOS boot partition for the additional boot loader code to reside…
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Why is GRUB drive enumeration different before and after boot?

I'm looking at a system with Debian/Lenny on a couple of old IDE PATA drives (several RAID-1 partitions including /boot) and a relatively recently added SATA drive. The system works fine but I've been poking around the GRUB setup in anticipation of…
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1 answer

Solaris 10 x86 hangs on boot

I have an old server running Solaris 10 x86 64 bit. Haven't had issues with it but recently it was powered off without a clean shutdown. That hasn't been an issue in the past with reboots from the power port but this time I'm stuck. This is what I…
0 answers

How to ignore ttyS0 in GRUB

I've got some systems that have serial devices attached; when these systems boot, the serial device may be sending data, so GRUB sees this, assumes it's a request to manage the boot process, and sits at the "choose a kernel" menu until someone…
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Why does my server not boot after moving root fs, inside LVM, to raid?

I'm trying to move my root partition to raid based physical volumes, and I seem to be failing. The procedure I'm using is somewhat complicated, but that's because my hosting provider has very limited installation capabilities, so I can't start with…
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GPT, grub and mdadm. sda drive replaced, raid rebuilt in recovery mode, but now server won't boot

This is how partition table loooks like: (parted) print Model: ATA TOSHIBA DT01ACA2 (scsi) Disk /dev/sda: 2000GB Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B Partition Table: gpt Number …
Mladen Adamovic
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How to validate grub boot environment parameters with grubby

I am updating grub parameters in RHEL 7.0 with grubby command using /usr/sbin/grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args='isolcpus=14-24' followed by /usr/sbin/grub2-install /dev/sda and reboot I very well understand the process to manually configure and…
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Debian software RAID1 is not working when I remove hard drive

I have been trying all weekend to get RAID working on an old server computer with the Intel ICH7 / ICH7-R SATA-II controller running dual hard-drive with RAID 1. After giving up in hardware raid, I have moved on to software. Currently, the system…
Skyler 440
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1 answer

Replaced SATA controller, software RAID (mdadm) stopped booting: grub rescue> no such disk

I have a relatively old server machine which has no SATA ports on the motherboard (Dell Precision Workstaion 650). Also have a cheap FakeRAID controller (VIA VT6421 Chipset) and two Seagate 3TB drives (ST3000DM001) connected to the controller. The…
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2 answers

EXTLINUX warns to install grub

While doing apt-get dist-upgrade on a Debian GNU/Linux Jessie EXTLINUX warned me that now was mandatory to install grub. The system was installed after an image not done by me: is it safe to ignore the warning? Have I to install grub also if now…
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grub 0.97 (legacy) confusion between menu.lst and grub.cfg

I've been looking through documentation but am still utterly confused. I'm used to using menu.lst to configure grub but grub.cfg seems to be the way to do it for grub2. My Debian 8 server has grub 0.97 installed and seems to have components to use…
Tim Tisdall
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2 answers

Intel NUC5CPYH - Ubuntu Server 14.04.2 and 15.04 post-install crash

I've experienced this problem with Intel NUC model NUC5CPYH using both Ubuntu Server 14.04.2 and Ubuntu Server 15.04. After completing the installation (which in my experience is best done from an external CD drive, as I also had difficulties with…
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3 answers

Grub Error 2 in Ubuntu Jaunty Server

Ran into a problem on a fresh Jaunty server install on a NAS box with 2 SATA cards controlling 6 total disks. The install runs fine, but once it completes and asks for reboot, I get Grub Error 2 on startup. Doesn't seem to matter which disk I…
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1 answer

Default kernel boot parameter on Red Hat 6 / CentOS 6

I would like to understand if, and how, it is possible to configure default kernel boot parameters on Red Hat 6 / CentOS 6 (grub legacy bootloader). I very well understand how to manually configure the required parameters: I simply have to edit…
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1 answer

How to boot to shell with Solaris?

I would like to boot Solaris to shell (root prompt) directly for recovery purposes. On linux I would pass a kernel option init=/bin/bash and it would directly boot me into shell without asking for password. How can I achieve the same for Solaris? I…
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