Questions tagged [grub]

Console application permitting the user to choose between several installed operating systems.

346 questions
2 answers

How to boot GRUB2 so it mounts "root" on a different drive (remote server without KVM switch)

Summary: I created a copy of the root file system on a RAID array (with one disk on it), I tried to get the system to boot off that newly copied drive. Background: 2 disks of the same size in server (sda, sdb) sdb not being used I tried to…
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How do I mount a raid disk

So I screwed up my grub.conf file on a CentOS system and I'm in recovery right now (it's only a test dedicated server). My disks are /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1 (RAID 1). Now I need to mount /dev/sda1 and make changes to the grub file, however those…
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Why does 'aptitude safe-upgrade' cause Ubuntu's boot to hang on "Waiting for root file system"?

I launched an Ubuntu EBS instance on Amazon EC2 using the Ubuntu's very own latest AMI for 10.04 Lucid, ami-ad36fbc4` After getting the instance up, I ran the command sudo aptitude safe-upgrade which seems to have upgraded the kernel from…
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EC2 issue using PV-Grub and custom kernel: error 21 selected disk does not exist

Over on EC2 I am trying to setup AMI's for PLD-Linux that use the new features that allow running custom kernels from inside the AMI using PV-Grub. I've setup custom AMI's many times before but can't get the kernel thing to go. Basically I have a…
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Getting Grub2 to recognize a Raid 10 boot/root

I've been trying to get my raid to boot from grub2 for about 2 days now and I don't seem to be getting closer. The problem appears to be that it doesn't recognize my raid at all. It doesn't see (md0) etc. I'm not sure Why or how to change this. I'm…
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arch linux on zfs root cannot configure grub on bios

as the title suggests I cannot get across the finish line installing arch on zfs. I get to the point where I try and install grub on my /boot after chrooting into my /mnt from the live cd. anyway here is my command and error: # nvim…
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How do I make grub install on a software-raid disk?

I am running Debian 9 with mdadm RAID 1 on it. Previously both hard-drives could boot into the OS, now only one of them can. I have recently had a faulty disk which needed to be replaced, so replace it I did. First, I ran mdadm --add /dev/md0…
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3 answers

Multiple boot options (in grub boot list) appeared after yum update

I am quite new to Linux administration so I am having trouble understanding yum update and grub boot list. I recently did a yum update on an old CentOS machine. Everything is good except there is multiple boot options appear in grub boot list and I…
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How can I generate/or edit a grub.cfg on each EFI partition that refers to the ubuntu installation on the same physical disk?

I have an install of Ubuntu 16.04 server set up on two disks with software raid across two large partitions. The start of each disk contains an EFI partition. I would like to be able to boot from either disk (in case one fails) - one guide I read…
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Are my EFI partitions mutually bootable? How to interpret the output of efibootmgr -v

I have two GPT formatted disks both starting with EFI partitions and followed by a single physical raid partition. I installed ubuntu-server 16.04 with software raid over these two raid partitions and once it had installed, I cloned the EFI…
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3 answers

How to install grub on a completely empty hard drive?

Normally, there are solutions available out there to restore grub or install grub provided that linux in installed first. How can I install grub while not having any partition which has an installed linux operating system. Is it even possible to…
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How can I boot from .iso images stored on the harddrive?

I want to put a .iso file of a bootable linux CD on the harddrive of my computer. I want to have it boot using grub (or lilo), and have it boot from the .iso file as if the .iso was a real CD in the CDROM drive. Here is a page that makes reference…
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Grub incorrectly escapes $ character in its settings

Not sure where I make mistake but I can't escape $ correctly in /etc/default/grub. I'm on Ubuntu MATE 18.04. This is what I do: In console I edit confid by calling sudo mcedit /etc/default/grub I add memmap parameter so that string look like…
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editing the value of GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT thru bash script

I want to append fastboot to the end of the existing value of the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT variable in /etc/default/grub not manually, but by using bash script and echo command. The problem is that initial values of this variable are different on…
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2 answers

How-To Chain Boot/Trampoline Boot into Ubuntu 17 on PCIe SSD without BIOS support

I have a server-grade SSD (Intel DC P3520) that will eventually end up in a server. Until the server is deployed in the data center I want to conduct some tests in a desktop machine. I have an older but yet usable machine (AMD Phenom/ASUS M4A88T-M…
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