Questions tagged [gridengine]

Grid Engine is a distributed resource management (DRM) system that manages the distribution of users' workloads to available compute resources.


73 questions
2 answers

Sun Grid Engine set memory requirements per jobs

I want to be able to set up memory requirements per job. For instance: to run 5 jobs, for which I know each will need 4 GB memory. I have 16 GB RAM on the Ubuntu server and 16 GB swap. I want to avoid using the swap. Can I do something like: qsub…
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SGE output and notification to the mail

in a SGE script with #$ -M #$ -m aes SGE send notify of job complete. how I can receive the output of the job with the this notification ?
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Which compute node did a Sun Grid Engine job execute on?

What is the easiest way to determine which node a compute job was executed on, using Sun Grid Engine? qstat seems to only list running/queued jobs
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How to specify the equivalent of ppn (on PBS) in SGE queuing system?

Is there a way to specify the ppn ( or equivalent ) in SGE ? i don't want to use all cpus in one node so i will be able to have more memory per core. ( In PBS you would do -l nodes=16:ppn=2 for exemple) Thanks.
2 answers

Sun Grid Engine: Automatically Terminating Idle Interactive Jobs

We're considering using Sun Grid Engine on a small compute cluster. Right now, the current set up is pretty crude and just involves having people ssh to an open machine to run their jobs. We'd like to allow interactive jobs, since that should ease…
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Security Concerns for High Performance Clusters

This is a VERY open question since this is my first time creating a cluster. I'm just wondering what type of security concerns will there be and how to prevent them. Background information Using SGE (currently installing and figuring out which…
0 answers

How to limit the master host using 1 slot for each job on gridengine?

I run the gridengine on my cluster and like to have a master queue where each job can only have 1 slot on the master host. but i do not find the way to configure this. I learned that resource limits do not affect jobs. so something like limit…
It's Joh
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View/request instruction sets available on SGE host

How can I view or request hosts that can handle a particular instruction set in SGE? With Slurm, to view available instruction sets on each host I can use sinfo --Node -o '%n %f', and to submit a batch job only to, e.g., hosts with the AVX2…
1 answer

How to create a SGE queue which can only be assigned jobs manually?

I have 5 nodes in an SGE cluster. I'd like to make it so one of those nodes can only be used by a specific queue, "test.q". I can remove that node from hostlist on all of my other queues, and set hostlist to just that host in test.q. However, when I…
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How to allow concurrent execution of job arrays with job share (-js)

I'm trying to have SGE run job array tasks concurrently based on the job shares parameter of qsub but it seems not to be working as expected. Is there a way to enable concurrent task execution based on shares? I have a script which sleeps to…
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1 answer

How to make grid master "accept" gone hosts?

With gridengine-master 6.2u5-7.3 (Ubuntu Trusty), our /var/lib/gridengine/spool/qmaster/messages gets constantly filled with: 12/07/2016 04:11:43|worker|tools-grid-master|E|got load report of unknown exec host…
1 answer

SGE/OGS 2011 breaking Ansys Workbench Mechanical launch due to network port blocked

We are running a SGE / OGS compute cluster on EL6 and are trying to launch an interactive Ansys Workbench. This works using SSH with X Forwarding, but using qrsh fails to run the Mechanical component - Workbench itself does launch OK. It looks like…
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How to get statistics about pending jobs in a specific SGE queue (e.g. using qacct)?

I know I can use qacct to get all kind of statistics about running jobs. Now is there a way get some statistics about how many jobs are pending and how long do they need to wait on average? Bonus question: can I get statistics about "idling" (or…
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1 answer

SGE Grid Engine error "qsub: Unknown option"

I submit a job to SGE using the qsub command and get the error: qsub: Unknown option What unknown option?
John McGehee
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1 answer

How to submit job from compute node to another compute node?

Currently I am working on a SGE cluster, and I could submit jobs using qsub in the head node, but what I want to do now is to create new jobs and submit jobs from one compute node to another, is it possible to do that?
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