Questions tagged [google-domains]

31 questions
0 answers

Configuring subdomain MX records

I moved my domain to Google (not using GSuite). I use it only for private mails. I added an alias and it works as expected. But I wanted to create another one Google doesn't support adding it from UI like…
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Where do I set up an MX record for my Google domain so it points to my email server?

I'm new to networking and servers, so I may be way off track. I have a Digital Ocean server with postfix configured on it. I also have a domain through Google Domains. I want to make it so my mail server can receive mail, so I'm setting up an MX…
0 answers

Google Domains import DNS records after transfer?

Is it possible to import DNS zones into Google Domains after a domain has been transferred in? When you start a transfer it gives you the option to import then, or use your old name server. I have recently transferred all my domains to google DNS…
1 answer

How to set up DNS on google domains to host tomcat websites on the internet

Excpectations / Target We have a domain as (say) bought on Google Domains and a PC running with windows 10 Pro We intend to make this PC a server for hosting 2 of our web-apps app1 and app2 Currently we do not own a static IP address so…
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How should I set my VM settings on my new instance for high traffic surge event?

I have no developer knowledge but I have created few instances for WP sites. For the upcoming WP site, want to build a registration website where I anticipate a high volume of traffic at some point while it's online. I want to be advised how I…
1 answer

Google Domain transfer to Google Cloud

I am having an issue with registering a Google Domain as a Google Cloud Domain safely. Even after switching to cloud DNS there is nothing on how to transfer the domain itself to GCD registrar. I've tried googling this but so far no question seemed…
1 answer

Point Webflow site to

I'm using google domains to host my frontend web application at I also have marketing pages that are built on that I'd like to seamlessly integrate with the I'd like to route my webflow website to…
3 answers

How to map Google Domains domain name to Google Cloud Run project ? I can't make 'www' work

I've purchased a Google Domains domain name and try to map my Cloud Run project to it. To do so, in my Google Domain account, I added in the "DNS Settings" page, under custom resource records, two records: @ A 1h (ip that I got from…
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Connecting Google-Domains to Cloud-run URL

Does anybody know how to connect my Cloud-Run URL with a Google Domain? I'd prefer to use Google Domains DNS server. I ping successfully at at what Cloud Run assigned me in Domain Mappings(also in AppEngine-Settings), and which I entered into my…
4 answers

Why does my domain name work whenever I ping it, but not in the browser?

my domain name, "", (who's IP address is updated periodically using Google's dydns API), can be pinged and displays the correct IP address when pinged, but whenever I attempt to visit the domain in Firefox, the request times out. This…
1 answer

set DKIM validation with Amazon SES and Google Domains

I have a domain that is registered with google domains. I want to use Amazon SES on it so I verified the domain (done) and now I am trying to set up DKIM. Following Amazons guidelines we have to add three CNAME records to the domain. I set them up…
Lelio Faieta
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Why don't I get the TXT records I was expecting?

I'm using Google Domains to manage DNS of a domain I own. In Google Domains, I've configured a TXT record _acme-challenge with a specific value. I was expecting to see this value when doing: dig -t TXT…
Arseni Mourzenko
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Google App Engine with custom domain from Google Domains with SSL

I am trying to get a custom domain linked to my Google App Engine project and am completely stuck - it will just not work. I am trying to do everything through Google - I have no third-party domain registrars or anything. I have purchased a domain…
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Pointing sub-domain on Google domains to Wordpress running on Digital Ocean?

I want a sub-domain on my google domains to point to blog.mydomain.example. Currently, it points to DNS at the root domain to Github pages. I want that to remain the same, but the blog subdomain to point to my wordpress running on digital ocean.…
1 answer

I am unable to access my website from the web (curl and wget return html of page)

I am having several issues trying to get my website to the world. I am very new to the notion of running a web server, so I followed many of the tutorials to help me get started. There is a likelihood I did something wrong (where likelihood >= 95%),…