Questions tagged [google-cloud-dns]

40 questions
0 answers

Place different applications in Google Cloud under the same domain assigning subdomains for each one

I'm asking an opinion or some guide for this problem. I have a couple of applications in Google Cloud Platform that I need to place under the same domain (let's call it, using a different subdomain for each one, like this: App 1…
0 answers

How to implement dynamic DNS with Google Cloud?

I have the following infrastructure: - business page for client-id with his services. I want to allow him to map his own domain: and get the page My domain, is…
3 answers

GCP to AWS Hosted Zone migration

I have a publicly hosted zone in GCP for I want to move the hosted zone to AWS route 53. Is there a tool which can make this process easier? Alternate: I will export the records using gcp cloud cli, modify the file to match the AWS…
0 answers

Where do I get the list of nameservers needed to create a DNS policy?

there's a list of 10 steps recommended to be followed when setting up Google Cloud for one's organisation. Step 8 "Setup network configuration" fails on account of: DNS server policies could not be loaded. If you need to pick a DNS server policy,…
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2 answers

How to configure Firewall Rules and DNS settings on GCP with VPC Service Controls when using Cloud Composer and Cloud Functions in the same project?

We have troubles with the configuration of two GCP components (the GCP Cloud Composer, the GCP Functions) under VPC Service Controls for a single project. We can configure them separately with VPC Service Controls, but as soon as we add the second…
1 answer

Display Domain Name instead of IP for bucket content in google cloud platform?

I want to apply caching on my images by Google CDN so I created a bucket and then create load balancing and enable CDN. First: I have created a bucket. and upload some images. and give permission to the public. gsms-bucket/images/image1.jpg…
2 answers

Changing a Cloud DNS IP (Resource Record Type A) with no propagation time

I have a GKE Cluster with istio installed. Istio ingress gateway automatically creates a load balancer with an IP. I put this IP in Cloud DNS as image below (Fake IP with hidden DNS name). Everything work and I can access my cluster using the…
1 answer

GCP: How to do DNS Peering between 2 VPCs that use VPC Peering in the same project

In Google Cloud Platform, how do I set up private DNS Peering between two VPCs that are connected with VPC Peering, but reside in the same project? I have one project my-project and two VPC networks: blue and pink. The two VPCs are peered. I want…
1 answer

Create a Google Load Balancer with fixed IP to Istio Ingress Gateway in GKE

I Have a Google GKE with 2 nodes and Istio installed. It created automatically 2 load balancers with ephemeral IPs. I use one of them in CloudDNS (HTTPS) to redirect DNS to one of the ingress-gateways. When I need to recreate the cluster there…
1 answer

Getting "Error: Invalid Value" while adding MX record in Google Cloud DNS

I am trying to add MX record in Google Cloud DNS but getting an Error Message Error message: ERROR Invalid value. Error NUMBER: d7422936167581091
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