Questions tagged [geoip]

78 questions
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How can I install the ngx_http_geoip2_module module ? on Centos

I installed the GeoIP package using yum. I got the geoIP files in the /usr/share/GeoIP/ folder. I need to add some rules on some countries in the: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and to do that i need to load the module, like: load_module…
Attila Naghi
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Iptables is not matching the chain with xtables-addons GeoIP

I have a strange issue with xtables-addons, in particular with xt_geoip module. I'm using Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS x64 4.15.0-1051 with all the packages updated, I installed the following packages: xtables-addons-common pkg-config xtables-addons-source…
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Unable to locate package Nginx-module-GeoIP

I am working on Debian Jessie 9. I have installed Nginx but there is no GeoIP module. so I decided to install it but "apt-get install nginx-module-geoip" not working giving an error like E: Unable to locate package Nginx-module-GeoIP how I can…
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nginx: Block specific PHP file from most countries

Background: I run several WordPress sites and I notice a huge amount of distributed brute force login attempts. fail2ban does not help me here because the attacker carefully attempts only up to 5 logins per IP and then switches to a different…
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GeoIP Split DNS Wrong 3rd View on Slave

Successfully configured Bind to host multiple views with TSIG with this guide. Problem is when I add a third view to the mix, things get weird. On each server, I have 3 views right now: USA Europe China The second I add the China view, the slave…
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GeoIP Apache Mod Whitelist by Country and Local Network

I've been having issues with attempted hackers trying to break into my web server so I decided to block traffic from everywhere except my target countries: US, France, and Germany. I installed the GeoIP Mod from MaxMind and added the following…
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Is there any limitations in using GeoIP with bind9

I have a DNS server (BIND 9.10.3-P4-Ubuntu) on an Ubuntu 16.04 machine. I have a domain with two A records (IP1,IP2) which indicates to two separate web servers (Wserver1, Wserver2). I want the DNS server responds to the queries of country A from…
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Why GCP Kubernetes Node host location for europe-north1 seems to be in US?

I am new to both Google Cloud Platform and K8s. I have launched Kubernetes cluster in GCP and chosen europe-north1 as the region (europe-north1-a as the zone). When I try to run my application on this cluster it fails because it expects the…
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NGINX, GeoIP, Varnish : Too many Redirects

I own two servers. One in Singapore ( and other one in Europe ( I want the website to serve the users from their closest server when they visit my website. I configured Nginx on Signapore server using GeoIP…
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What this is parameter in the geo block in Nginx?

In nginx, in geo module it has the following example I am wondering what is this 0,2,1,1 numbers etc.. stated after the main addresses (values). what are the usage of them? > geo $geo { > …
Don Dilanga
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GEOIP for IIS 10

I'm migrating from Apache 2.4 back to IIS 10. IIS does have a IP restriction interface but there is noway to GEO ban by country. Is there a similar module than Apache Maxmind Geo IP module for IIS? Also, what is the workflow (if any) to remotely…
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"Nmap Scripting Engine" HTTP Requests

I looked into my nginx access logs to check who accessed my server and I noticed this line: - - [25/Feb/2016:02:49:12 +0100] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 302 160 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Nmap Scripting Engine;" I use…
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How to test GeoIP .dat librairie in local

I'm on a projet where I have to implement GeoIP on a Redhat Apache instance. For now, i'm only testing the configuration in local. Here it is : GeoIPEnable On GeoIPDBFile PATH_TO_LIB\GeoIP.dat GeoIPEnableUTF8 On …
Ismail H
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How should I add GeoIP module to nginx?

I'm using nginx version 1.8 on a centos 6.7 server but when using nginx -V command , I can't see geoip_module there . How can I add it to nginx ?
movi ran
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0 answers

GeoIP module (mod_geoip2) and Amazon EC2 Ubuntu instance

I have installed GeoIP mod via and have made sure the permissions are correct for www-data to read the database. We are just needing to block a directory from Great Britain due to the nature of the…