Questions tagged [geoip]

78 questions
1 answer

Varnish GeoIP (vmod_geoip) + Amazon Linux

I'm trying to install vmod_geoip via amazon linux, but so far no luck. I've installed geoip geoip-devel. I've downloaded the vmod_geoip source. I'm able to ./ but ./configure constantly halts at: No package 'geoip' found Consider…
Michael Mikhjian
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IPTABLES and GEOIP: Show Custom Webpage to Blocked Visitors

Because of legal protection, as a first stage of launching my project I will focus on couple of countries only. The number of supported countries will grow. I know, it is possible to block or allow whole countries through iptables and geoip.…
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Configure IIS to only server certain files to requests originating in the US?

The transfer of encrypted data or encryption systems from the US to foreign nations is tricky business as encryption can be categorized as a munition and can be governed by US export laws. I plan to be starting a website that will contain multiple…
Corey Ogburn
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Nginx block specific directory to one country

I'm using Nginx and GeoIP to block certain countries (to the whole site). Is it possible to block just one specific directory? This way: Everyone can access Only spanish IP's can access, no one else.…
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I can compile GeoIP support into uWSGI or Nginx. What's the difference?

I'm running uWSGI with PHP and Python support through Nginx. All of this is compiled from source. I want GeoIP support. Both Nginx and uWSGI can be compiled with their own GeoIP plugins/modules. Are there any practical differences between the two I…
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apache 2.2 and http auth. by country with mod_geoip

I'm using mod_geoip for filtr some traffic. So now I have e.g. this SetEnvIf GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE FR AllowCountry Deny from all Allow from env=AllowCountry
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4 answers

IP address and geolocation

I very well know that this has been asked quite a number of times here itself but folks please give this question a read. Plus I'm giving my best to phrase this question, hence the Prelude/Question sections. Prelude: GeoIP databases pre-built…
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Nginx redirect and geolocalization

I've the following problem with Nginx and GeoIP and will be nice if you can give me some pointers about the solution. Note: I know this can be solved on DNS side, but that won't be possible by now so I'm looking for other solution. The problem My…
boris quiroz
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Anyway to backup nginx before recompiling?

I am looking to install the HttpGeoipModule for NGINX but learning I have to recompile the entire thing from source in order to do so. I have a new Media Temple DV 4.0 server and that comes with nginx v 1.3.0 stock and have never had to recompile…
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Geo IP Apache module reliability

I'm looking for some simple way to determine the country a user is viewing the site from, it's only a branding issue and not a legality issue, so a few false positives won't matter so much. Apaches mod_geoip seems to be just what I'm looking for but…
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Installing GeoIP on Redhat x86_64 es5 with no success?

I am trying to install GeoIP on my Redhat x86_64 es5 but im getting errors. The packages im trying to install is: GeoIP-1.4.7-0.2.20090931cvs.rhel5.x86_64.rpm GeoIP-devel-1.4.7-0.2.20090931cvs.rhel5.x86_64.rpm And I get this warning: "warning:…
Peter Johansson
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nginx TCP forwarding with GeoIP

CentOS 7.8 nginx version: nginx/1.18.0 yum install nginx-module-geoip yum install GeoIP GeoIP-data Then, GeoIO runs well with HTTP(S). I need nginx to forward a TCP port, which is only open to CN add to nginx.conf stream { geoip_country…
0 answers

Nginx: implementing country block with a map

I am trying to implement, on a nginx webserver, a country block with a map. This is my server configuration: include snippets/ban-country-codes.conf; include snippets/ban-user-agent.conf; server { listen 80 default_server; …
Sandro B.
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2 answers

How often do country IP address ranges change?

How often do country IP address ranges change? I get a lot of notifications about failed login via Wordpress or SSH. It's very hard to ban every single IP address, so I wrote a script to block single IP addresses and IP ranges. But I never reset my…
1 answer

Does CDN defeat the purpose of server-level GeoIP blocking?

Looking for second opinions. Suppose a website is set up so that only IPs from country X are allowed read/write access. This server goes through a CDN such as Cloudflare. Because the GeoIP block is at server level, it never gets enabled because…
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