Questions tagged [fwbuilder]

8 questions
2 answers

fwbuilder: Port forwarding works from outside, but not inside

I'm hoping there's something obvious I've missed here. I have NAT rules set up to forward a few different ports to an internal machine. When a request comes in from the internet, everything works as planned. However, if I hit my external IP from…
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fwbuilder: port forwarding incoming 222 port requests to a local machine 22 port

I am using fwbuilder to setup my iptables rules for a public server. The idea is to forward external requests from the 222 port to a local machine's ssh port. The settings i used are: NAT section Original Src: Any Original Dst: public ip…
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iptable localhost connections reported to be blocked, but work ok

I am using fwbuilder and have tried setting up rules that both allow lo interface and source ip, as follows: $IPTABLES -A INPUT -i lo -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT $IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -o lo -m state --state NEW -j…
Yoav Aner
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No response on openSSL connection on client but response from client to some servers

I have a Ubuntu 14 based firewall running IP tables configured through FWBuilder. If I ssh onto the firewall and run openssl s_client -connect I get a full set of responses CONNECTED(00000003) depth=1 C = US, O = DigiCert Inc, CN…
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1 answer

FWBuilder DNS Object Run Time - when exactly does it resolve the DNS name?

In Firewall Builder, when you use the DNS Object and set it to run time, when exactly does the firewall (iptables in our case) actually resolve the DNS name? Is it whenever a call is made to that DNS name in the firewall? So the firewall would…
Jake Wilson
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Firewalls: What is the difference between Policy, NAT and Routes?

I'm learning fwbuilder and firewalls in general. I don't understand the differences between Policy, NAT and Routes. They all seem like they are just ways to tell the data where to go depending on what it is and where its coming from. What is the…
Jake Wilson
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1 answer

Export fwbuilder rules to a file suitable to read with iptables-restore?

fwbuilder seems to always want to write the firewall rules directly to the device that will run them, however I want to write them to a rules file that I can then maintain and update to the device via configuration management…
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1 answer

fwbuilder/iptables manually scripted + autogenerated rules at startup?

Fedora 11 Our previous IT-guy setup iptable rules on our firewall in a way that is confusing me and he didn't document any of it. I was hoping someone could help me make some sense of it. The iptables service is obviously starting at startup, but…
Jake Wilson
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