Questions tagged [fstab]

The configuration file /etc/fstab contains the necessary information to automate the process of mounting partitions.

The configuration file /etc/fstab contains the necessary information to automate the process of mounting partitions. In a nutshell, mounting is the process where a raw (physical) partition is prepared for access and assigned a location on the file system tree (or mount point).

* In general fstab is used for internal devices, CD/DVD devices, and network shares (samba/nfs/sshfs). Removable devices such as flash drives *can* be added to fstab, but are typically mounted by gnome-volume-manager and are beyond the scope of this document.
* Options for mount and fstab are similar.
* Partitions listed in fstab can be configured to automatically mount during the boot process.
* If a device/partition is not listed in fstab ONLY ROOT may mount the device/partition.
* Users may mount a device/partition if the device is in fstab with the proper option


241 questions
1 answer

How to disable automatic and forced fsck on disks in a linux software raid?

This is the /etc/fstab entry of a raid system /dev/md4 that is controlled with mdadm and webmin on an ubuntu 10.04 64 server: /dev/md4 /mnt/md4 ext3 relatime 0 0 We tried to switch off…
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fstab: Email address as curlftpfs username

I want to mount a ftp share via the fstab file but my username is an email address. How do I enter this in the…
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3 answers

Need Help with fixing permissions in mounted Drive

I am trying a lot still my problem is not solved. I have a partion called Server and inside it i have 5 folders like Folder 1 FOlder 2 Folder 3 I am mounting the drive on startup by using following command as told to me by some senoir members and…
1 answer

dns cifs share entry in fstab not re-mounted on IP change, while used by smbd

I set up a CIFS share on my ubuntu Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Release: 20.04 using an fstab entry: // /mnt/mystr cifs …
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0 answers

Mount qcow2 image on boot using fstab

I'm intending to make individual directories snapshotable in order to be able to experiment and rollback. Since there are many such directories and their contents can vary in size, solutions such as LVM or ZFS are not well-suited as they require to…
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1 answer

Is UID required when providing a GID in an fstab entry for an ntfs drive?

I have an Ubuntu Server 20.04 installed on a Raspberry Pi 4. I am trying to mount a hard drive that should be accessible by two different samba users (user1, uid=1001 and user2, uid=1002). I created a group that contains these two users (gid=1007)…
0 answers

Does `mount -a` make sure that I have a correct /etc/fstab file

Once a while, I need to adjust mountpoints of a server and it is not always possible for me to reboot the system right away. Therefore, to check if my revision to /etc/fstab is correct, usually I do mount -a to see if there are any complaints. If…
1 answer

replace phases of fsck in fstab

I'm searching some way to replace fsck phases in my fstab file but only for line which contains specific path. currently fstab looks like that: /dev/mapper/vgroot-root / xfs defaults 0 0 /dev/mapper/vgroot-home /home …
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1 answer

How to STOP nfs from trying (and retrying) to mount an offline server

I have a home server running ubuntu which exports a nfs volume which I'm mounting on my laptop like this -> % cat /etc/fstab ... media:/mnt/data /home/alf/media nfs _netdev 0 0 All is good. ..until I boot up my laptop at work (or any place…
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2 answers

NFS Stale File Handle After NFS Server Reboots: Why Does This Happen and How Does Industry Handle This?

This problem has been driving me crazy. I have an NFS server with NFS shares mounted on various clients. However, whenever I have to reboot the NFS server, I invariably end up with a bunch of "Stale file handle" errors on the mounts across all my…
2 answers

repair file system by edit the fstab file

is it possible to run xfs repair by re-edit the fstab file? /dev/mapper/vg-linux_root / xfs defaults 0 0 UUID=7de1dc5c-b605-4a6f-bdf1-f1e869f6ffb9 /boot xfs defaults 0 0 /dev/mapper/vg-linux_var /var …
King David
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1 answer

mount command fstab in linux

i have a command to manually mount windows shares into my linux system. Unfortunately the paths are not mounted when the system reboots. How can I add the path to the fstab table ? mount -t cifs -o user=myuser,…
M. Antony
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Ubuntu won't mount through fstab after upgrade to Systemd

I have a data server and two VMs. The first VM, clone14, runs Ubuntu 14.04. The second VM, clone16, was cloned from clone14 and then upgraded to Ubuntu 16.04. Both VMs have the exact same /etc/fstab file that includes a line mounting a directory…
Borea Deitz
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1 answer

Ubuntu map CIFS / SMB share using active domain credentials without password file

Is there a way in Ubuntu 18.04 to map an SMB share when the users login without using a password file? The boxes I have are members of a Windows Active Directory domain and the users will use their domain credentials to authenticate. I want to…
1 answer

Retry mount NFS share if failed

I have a NFS share that mounts from /etc/fstab, so that it mounts on boot. But if the NFS share isn't available on boot, how can I make it so that it retries until it can mount it?
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