Questions tagged [freeradius]

FreeRADIUS is an open source RADIUS server

FreeRADIUS is an open source RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) server. It implements AAA: Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting. It is very flexible and has many modules. It supports many backend databases such MySQL, PostgreSQL or Redis for retrieving/saving AAA data.

Official website.

261 questions
1 answer

Freeradius, authenticate via BASH script, authorize via LDAP group membership?

I have a custom ubuntu container containing Freeradius within a kubernetes cluster. Due to how containers work, the normal SAMBA/Winbind method of Freeradius/AD integration is not an option, so I wrote a BASH script to authenticate user credentials,…
John Calder
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2 answers

How do I suppress logs in a kubernetes container?

I have set up a freeradius container in a kubernetes cluster. By default freeradius doesn't log authentication attempts or log passwords in plain text, however, if the service is started with the "-X" arg (debugging mode), it overrides the default…
John Calder
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2 answers

radiusclient on debian 9

I have debian 9 server and want to setup a Xl2tp with radius authentication. When I add plugin on my ppp options, it try to read /etc/radiusclient and unfortunately I don't have libfreeradius-client package on debian stretch…
0 answers

nginx captive portal radius authentication

I have multiple Ruckus Access Point and I want to provide a custom captive portal for guest authentication. The thing I want is to check if user currently has access - then switch him to the site he wants and if not - show captive portal. Can I do…
1 answer

Unifi AP-PRO with pfSense running FreeRADIUS, with MySQL database externally

I'm in the process of moving from a set of Aerohive AP's to Unifi AP-PRO to increase the range of our wifi. Adding more Aerohives could be a solution, but they're way more expensive and I already have good experiences with the Unifi range of AP's…
Jacob F.
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1 answer

Have freeRadius/Linuxcooperate with DHCP-Server/Windows

We have freeRadius for authentication on a Ubuntu box, but the DHCP allocation is handled elsewhere, specifically by a Win2012R2 DHCP server. Is it possible to configure freeRadius in such a way that the DHCP server gets a suitable "hint" (while…
1 answer

Freeradius modules loaded in wrong order

I have a new install of Freeradius 3.0.16 on Ubuntu 18.04 The sqlcounter is not working because Freeradius is trying to load sqlcounter before the sql module. The docs says that in that case you need to add the modules in the instantiate of…
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1 answer

Update User-Name on replicate to Home Server

I'm using FreeRADIUS Version 3.0.13, and am trying to replicate accounting requests to a 3rd party server that uses the packets to do some mapping of IP's to the User-Name. The user-name doesn't really matter to them, it's just something that can…
1 answer

freeradius rlm_python tagged attributes

I've created python auth module. When trying to perform testing with radtest reply is: User-Password = "testing123" NAS-IP-Address = NAS-Port = 0 Message-Authenticator = 0x00 Cleartext-Password = "testing123" Received…
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1 answer

What is expected value of SMD5-Password in freeradius' user config file?

I am using freeradius v2.1.12 on Ubuntu v14.04. Here is /etc/freeradius/users: test SMD5-Password := "{SMD5}xbYqJDY4gqVyE8Vhty//QnRlc3RpbmcxMjM=" I get this value by using the perl script from, I…
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1 answer

I installed freeradius using apt-get install, why it cannot find libssl when building the source?

I installed freeradius 2.1.12 to my ubuntu machine: apt-get install freeradius Then I downloaded its source, apt-get source freeradius build the source: cd freeradius-2.1.12+dfsg ./configure --prefix=/root/freeradius/freeradius-2.1.12 make make…
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1 answer

FreeRADIUS REST expansion

I am working on an integration between FreeRADIUS 3.0.15 and an API server in NodeJS, which will handle accounting, authorization and authentication. This is all documented (for instance, this repo is a very valuable starting point) and relatively…
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1 answer

freeradius failover when ldap not available

I am using freeRADIUS 3.0 with two data sources: users file openldap The configuration is working fine, but when freeRADIUS is started at power-on, and LDAP server is not available, freeRADIUS complain and don't start. So, is there a special…
1 answer

freeradius hush rlm_ldap log messages

After converting from freeradius2 to freeradius3 found out rlm_ldap is really chatty: Fri Feb 2 08:02:51 2018 : Info: rlm_ldap (ldap): Closing connection (79): Hit idle_timeout, was idle for 202 seconds Fri Feb 2 08:02:51 2018 : Info: rlm_ldap…
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1 answer

Freeradius 3 can't find Auth-Type for pfSense OpenVPN Auth-Requests

I've successfully set up Freeradius 3.0.12 with NTLM-Auth against a Samba 4.5.8 AD domain controller. Radtest works fine with every user and a correct password. When I try to authenticate OpenVPN users on pfSense against the Freeradius server, it…