Questions tagged [file-permissions]

Most current file systems have methods of administering permissions or access rights for specific users and groups of users. These systems control the ability of the users to view or modify the contents of the filesystem.

Permissions on Unix-like systems are managed in three distinct classes. These classes are known as user, group, and others.

Permissions on Windows systems can be granted to users, groups, computers, or other built-in security principals such as SELF or CREATOR OWNER.

Permissions are generally configured in an Access Control List (ACL, pronounced ackle) with each entry in the list being referred to as an Access Control Entry (ACE).

940 questions
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massemail with attachment - tmp folder

I have a small mailing php script and I would like to extend it with attachment function (we have a DB for our staff to get contact with them). As far as I understand I need a /tmp folder to be able to upload the attached file - but I need a write…
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Changing the permissions of a folder via the command line

I use FileZila, and must give 777 permissions to a folder on my site. This folder contains the database file. FileZila tried changing the folder permissions, the command is running smoothly but the permissions are not changed. How can I do this…
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Limit drag & drop mess

I have a Windows Server 2016 acting as a file server with thousands of files in a well-defined tree. Different people have different access to different parts of the tree. The problem is that some users, by mistake, sometimes do drag & drop, and a…
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systemd script do not set correct file permissions at boot time

I have written a simple service that calls a bash script that should change file permissions at boot time. The issue is that it seems that the service is not working as the permissions are not changed by the time the user logs in. However, when I…
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Grep is not working without having read permissions

I am in a folder where I do not have read permission in contents. ls -l List all files sucessfully. I want to count files that have some attributes in their name with: ls -l | grep file????.tar.gz | wc -l The command above generates a lot of…
Mini Fridge
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Windows Server delete files in folder but no permision to delete folder itself

We have a problem, with permissions on shared folder for out employees. We have folder lets say Main, with multiple projects (files and folder inside), constantly added and removed. The problem is that it happend that some employee deleted the…
2 answers

How to make rsync delete destination directories no longer existing at source?

I have hard drive that I back up with rsync to a network-attached storage. There are some non-empty directories at the destination (the nas) that do not exist on the source anymore. It is not a permission issue. I had a mount issue on the OS. The…
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3 answers

How to Restore Win Drive Permissions

I've been playing with my C: drive permissions and I have managed to mess them up. Now when I log in nothing appears and I can't launch anything. I tried safe mode and the same thing happens with that. I can't even launch cmd.exe and it says that…
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Shared Hosting folder access to Hosting provider

I've website running on a shared hosting account and I allow users to upload Images and I store them on the server in a folder that I've access to. My concern is whether that folder containing image files is accessible to the Hosting Provider or…
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how to fix folders and files permissions 000

If the folders and files permission all suddenly goes to 000 on a web sever, can it be brought back? I yes, please let me have the script that can be executed to bring the permission back. I have a hosting account and I change 1 folder's(cur)…
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Read a file created by root user on unix system

I have a file created by root user on unix system and the file is assigned to a particular group.All I want to do is read that file by logging in as user which is not root and not a part that particular group and neither have sudo access.Is there…
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Investigate why user has access to a folder

How can I understand why a particular user has access to a particular shared folder? Security tab of the folder contains a long list of groups groups and the user is not a direct member of any of those groups so there must be some intermediary…
2 answers

Grant user mkdir()

I have a php script where I use the function mkdir() but I get Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied How can I grant a user permission to this function? Apache/CentOS Update Here's the permission for the folder I'm trying to create…
2 answers

How can I set the default permissions mode on files uploaded via FTP to 775?

I'm using ProFTPD 1.3.1 Server on Linux. Currently when you upload files via FTP the files have the permissions mode of 664. I would like to change this to default files to 775 instead. The aim is to allow users that are in the same group as the…
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CHMOD file and directory permissions changing back

I have a website and I am trying to link an image stored in a directory, however when I change the file permissions to 775 they change back to 644 and the image isn't displaying. It is showing a Error 403 Forbidden error My .htaccess…
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