Questions tagged [embedded-linux]

Embedded Linux stands for the use of Linux in embedded computer systems such as smartphones.

enter image description here

Embedded Linux stands for the use of in embedded computer systems such as smartphones, personal digital assistants (), media players, set-top boxes, and other consumer electronics devices, industrial automation, navigation equipment and medical instruments.

38 questions
1 answer

Does chrony need driftfile to survive a reboot

I'm setting up chrony to run on a flash-based embedded system. Should I put the driftfile in a volatile filesystem (/tmp or /var/run) or one of our flash-based partitions? If I do the former then, obviously, the file will disappear on reboot, but…
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USB networking setup between Android and embedded Linux

I'm working on a project right now where we have an embedded Linux system running some sensor/motor control functionality, and we're creating a GUI application to allow the user to control the system. In the future we may run both applications on a…
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SSH cannot login with root pasword

I have a buildroot system that I cannot login into with via root. Root login using .ssh/authorized_keys working, but isn't practical since it's a read-only filesystem. Telnet root login also works. How can I enable password-based login and can I…
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strongswan no start embedder linux

hi there i have some problem with Digi ccimx6ul(embedded linux - yocto project) when i start ipsec using strongswan. I get the following error p/s: i have run success ipsec like this on ubuntu 18.04, but Digi ccimx6ul with linxu 4.14, it error,…
1 answer

Unable to print the message sent from user space C application to Linux kernel module

I have developed a simple Linux kernel module : #include #include #include ssize_t exer_open(struct inode *pinode, struct file *pfile) { return 0; } ssize_t exer_read(struct file *pfile, char…
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0 answers

Set up direct ethernet connection Linux<-->Android

I have an Android 6.0 SoC (ODroid C2) that I'm trying to connect directly to an embedded Linux machine via either regular ethernet or ethernet over USB (via the g_ether module) There are 2 services running on the Linux machine that I need to access…
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Zynq/ Petalinux : Unknown command 'gzwrite' - try 'help'

For folks familiar with Zynq, Petalinux and u-boot. I am using a microzed board, and trying to boot it using an SD card. The boot.bin file is generated using Petalinux 2018.3 SDK. The u-boot runs and then gives error Unknown command 'gzwrite' - try…
Beenish Khan
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2 answers

How to ping from a client in the network to a server not in the network connected on different interfaces on same linux box

I am working on one Linux box. I want something like this. network--->wlan0---->eth0-->other server. Both wlan0 and eth0 interface reside inside same Linux box. I am using dhcp which is assigning something say to my wlan0 interface. I…
1 answer

Autoconf from /etc/network/interfaces is not working

I want to disable autoconf of IPv6 for which I am making entries in /etc/network/intefaces file as below. Before making this changes I use "ifdown eth0" iface eth0 inet6 static address netmask 64 autoconf 0 After this I use "ifup…
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1 answer

IPSEC stack low speed

I am working on Openswan IPSEC Implementation for Linux-kernel My concern is when i do speed test using IPSEC kernel Images and without running IPSEC service i get speed of 40Mbps and 10Mbps. while normally for kernel Images without IPSEC…
0 answers

One way ping on an embedded Linux system

I'm facing a networking issue with an embedded Linux system in a private network. We have a network that consists of a few tens of servers connected through a switch with one of the servers acting as a DHCP server. Now, we recently added an…
2 answers

Does NMBD depend on DHCP?

I am trying to debug a SMB share issue on an embedded Linux setup. Before diving into source code, I want to make sure this is not a configuration problem. So here is my case: Scenario-1: dhcp server enabled by default 1- system boots 2- udhcpcd…
Atilla Filiz
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3 answers

What could this error mean?

I am having trouble with embedded linux system which keeps outputting this error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory' Any idea what this error means? What is the file for? What is…
Richard Knop
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1 answer

Using Minicom While Connected

I am running Debian on an Embedded system and am trying to use minicom to periodically get the signal strength of my USB EVDO modem using the AT+CSQ command. When the modem is not connected, I can simply use minicom to connect to the port and…
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How to increase The initial RAM size(16M) of PPC440 in linux 2.6 kernel

I am building cuImage. When I try to put in openSSH, I run out of 16M RAM boundary which is set during early kernel turning on MMU, so it wont boot up. Can anyone tell me how to increase that? Inside wrapper, there is a size set to 0x1000000, but it…