Questions tagged [elasticsearch]

Elasticsearch is a flexible and powerful open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine.

Elasticsearch is a flexible and powerful open source, distributed, real-time search and analytics engine. Architected from the ground up for use in distributed environments where reliability and scalability are must haves, Elasticsearch gives you the ability to move easily beyond simple full-text search. Through its robust set of APIs and query DSLs, plus clients for the most popular programming languages, Elasticsearch delivers on the near limitless promises of search technology.

373 questions
1 answer

Logstash integration with AWS Elasticsearch Service

I am using AWS Elasticsearch service to configure Elasticsearch Cluster and there is a separate server where I have installed Logstash 2.1.0 Here is my Logstash sample configuration file :- input { file { path =>…
1 answer

Logstash - Graph IPv4 vs IPv6

I'm looking at starting to graph inbound connections to our various services (web, mail, dns etc) by IP version, ie IPv4 connections versus IPv6 connections. Currently the IPs are being stored in a single field. What's the best approach to…
Boden Garman
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Curl receives empty repsonse form Elasticsearch server

I have a healthy ES cluster running on ec2. I'm tyring to connect Graylog server to the cluster using unicast, but Graylog receives an empty reponse from the unicast host. Using curl, I can reproduce the empty response. The result of curl…
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2 answers

Full data backup to Amazon S3

I have an Ubuntu server hosted on Digital Ocean that has outgrown it's existing backup solution. The relevant parts of the stack I use are Node.js, MongoDB, and Elasticsearch. So far backups have been done by dumping the entire MongoDB database,…
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1 answer

Stopping an Elasticsearch snapshot

We do nightly snapshots to S3. They normally take ~2hrs. I have one that has been running for 4 days now. I've tried to stop it with this command: time curl -XDELETE -s…
Nate Fox
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Shutting down elasticsearch completely?

I have found a number of posts about shutting down a node or a cluster of nodes, but what about stopping all elasticsearch processes on a machine? Even after shutting down all nodes (curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/_shutdown') I find that I…
Paul Lynch
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2 answers

No route to host elasticsearch exception

When turning on elasticsearch, I am getting the following configuration error: [2015-04-21 20:49:45,635][INFO ][discovery.zen ] [Blackwulf] failed to send join request to master…
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elasticsearch fails periodically on ubuntu with systemd : how to resolve this?

I am using Elasticsearch on Ubuntu 14.10 and it's periodically going down (entering a failed state). When down, this throws exceptions on my website, users can't search, connect or update database properly. When I get the status of the service, if…
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1 answer

How to rename and join an elasticsearch server preserving data?

I tested elasticsearch and decided to make a cluster. To this I renamed the node and defined a cluster = mycluster = firstnode When restarting the changes are taken into account but the existing data is not visible anymore…
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3 answers

kibana: no indices error

None of the existing answers helped, so here a new question. Usecase: Redirecting syslog (or) monitoring static file. I have successfully installed logstash (1.4.2), elasticsearch(1.1.1) and kibana(3.0.1) but struggling to get rid of error No…
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1 answer

Using Logstash as shipper?

We are shipping logs from servers and using THE logstash on each server for shipping. So we read logs from the glob "/root/Desktop/Logstash-Input/**/*_log". input { file{ path =>…
0 answers

rsyslog - How to flush queue?

I'm using rsyslog to get logs from haproxy and put them into logstash for elasticsearch/kibana. Everything was working ok, but i've found something strange in rsyslog. I've found that i've got missing data in kibana. The reason is rsyslog. Queue on…
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1 answer

Logstash Server Log FIle Flooded With "Failed to flush outgoing items" Error Messages

I'm new to Logstash, trying to get it running following the tutorial in "The Logstash Book". On page 44, the guide suggests to tail the Logstash process' main log file called central.log. After about 2 minutes of Logstash being started, the…
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1 answer

Large virtual memory size of ElasticSearch JVM

I am running a JVM to support ElasticSearch. I am still working on sizing and tuning, so I left the JVM's max heap size at ElasticSearch's default of 1GB. After putting data in the database, I find that the JVM's process is showing 50GB in SIZE in…
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1 answer

Migrating to AWS Cloud with auto-scaling - where to put Redis and ElasticSearch?

I've been trying to research this topic but haven't found anywhere that recommends where to install services such as Redis and ElasticSearch when migrating to a cloud framework. I'm currently running a Symfony2 application on 2 static servers - one…