I have found a number of posts about shutting down a node or a cluster of nodes, but what about stopping all elasticsearch processes on a machine? Even after shutting down all nodes (curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/_shutdown') I find that I still have a java process running org.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch. The only way I've found to stop that (on Linux) is to find the process ID with ps and kill it. Is there a better way?

Paul Lynch
  • 181
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  • Speaking anecdotally, I've never once met a java daemon that quit reliably. I'm so un-trusting of them that I make a habit of checking the output of `ps aux | grep java` to ensure that no dangling processes remain. – EEAA Apr 28 '15 at 17:35
  • @EEAA So, are you saying you think the _shutdown URL *should* have stopped that process, but didn't? (It very reliably stays up.) – Paul Lynch Apr 28 '15 at 21:57

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